About Me

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I have a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and I am currently working on my Masters of Arts in Counseling.I have had experience as a youth treatment specialist, child counselor, a great deal of understanding in child development and am a stay-at-home-mom to 3 wonderful, beautiful kids under the age of 9. I have a passion for child psychology and fashion.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Saturday, December 31st

New Year's Eve!

We didn't do much today. I got to sleep in today, since I haven't slept in since Monday (hubby is on vacation, so we are taking turns sleeping in.)

I was supposed to get laundry done today, but we went shopping instead. The hubby wanted to go to The Home Depot and spend his gift card he got for Christmas and I went to Old Navy and spent some moola. Ran into a friend, not literately, that would be embarrassing :), anyway, we stood there and talked for about an hour and a half while the kids played and talked.

Didn't get home until after 4:30, the kids and hubby relaxed while I went tanning, trying to get back on schedule with that since our cruise is in a MONTH! About 6 p.m we went to the in laws (hubby's parents), his sister is in town so we spent New Year's Eve with them.

We had a little celebration with the kids about 10 p.m with punch and cookies.

Better relax while I can, In about 5 days I will have 6 kids all together. I told one of my friends that I would baby sit her 3 kids (5 and 3 year old twins). It happens to be Keira's best friend from school, so they will all get along great. It is only 2 days a week, but it's going to be a work out.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Friday, December 30th

Our last day at CocoKey.

In my last post, Thursday, I said that we had a room with a hotel pool view and not an outside view with the sun shining in when we woke up. There were kids (hotel kids, not mine) at it again this morning at the pool, playing and yelling. This morning, Keira thought it was still night time when she woke up at 8:30 a.m. She said, "Mom, I thought the pool was closing, why are the kids still yelling?" I explained that it was morning and that the pool was open again. She understood.

We went down for about an hour to go swimming after we packed up the car. The kids wanted to go on the yellow slide area, so we went over their. This little baby about 6 months old tried to go down the slide (with help from his little sister, of course, no parents around) but the life guard came over right away and told the little girl that they couldn't go down the slide because he did not meet the height requirement. I was watching her and she looked over at Aden and Taygen and said something to the lifeguard about them being able to slide.

He came over to me and said, "They will not be able to slide anymore because they do not meet the height requirement." Let me remind you, this was about an hour after he stood there watching Aden and Taygen go down the slide. Oh, I was pissed! I asked to speak with his supervisor. The supervisor didn't help me, so I asked to talk to the director. The director didn't want to do anything for me, so I told her that I wanted our money back. She said she could give me tickets for another day, I said nope, I am not coming back here. So she gave us our money back for the 2 days that we swam.

Now, I am going to take it further! When someone says my kids can't do something or makes any of my kids cry then I get pissed and make people's lives a living hell! Great Wolf Lodge broke my daughter's arm, they didn't want to do anything for us, so now they are getting sued for a lot of money! Now I am taking this thing with CocoKey further. I'm sure the Health Department can find a few things wrong ;) My license plate doesn't say "Spoiled Brat" for nothing!! I get what I want!

Thursday, December 29th

Got Bandit from the vet today. He had to stay over night because he had a bandage on his owee.

Surprised the kids with CocoKey today. We got a room for one night and went swimming. The kids had so much fun. Usually we stay in one section, the kiddie pool area with the blue slide and wading pool. This time we ventured off and let the kids do other stuff since they are bigger and that area is a little boring for them.

They went over in the bigger kid section. The kids went down a yellow slide that had water at the bottom. We went in the lazy river in floaties. They had a double inner tube with seats, so we used that for Aden and Taygen and one of us walked with them and the other walked around with Keira in a bigger tube. It was super fun to be able to do something different and be in the water with the kids instead of just standing, watching the kids slide and swim.

Great day! Got back to the room after eating supper, playing games and going back to swim for an hour before it closed. The kids and hubby are fast asleep and I am sitting here listening to other kids scream and yell while they play in the "hotel" pool. We got a room with a "pool" view. We didn't realize it when we booked it, but they are doing construction on the CocoKey part, so we couldn't get a room on that side. At least, we didn't have the sun beating in the window when we woke up like we usually do.

I'm glad the kids are sleeping, I know I can't sleep with all this yelling. Before Keira went to sleep, she said, "Mom, why are they still playing in the pool, isn't it going to close soon?" I said, "Yes, Keira it closes at 10, in about 30 minutes." Luckily, she fell asleep. Now, I am listening to Aden and daddy have a snoring contest. I think Taygen is in the middle of that contest also, she has had a really bad croup like cough and has had trouble breathing, so she is breathing kind of hard, making a snoring sound.

Well, time to get to bed, we have another big day of swimming tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wednesday, December 28th

Got up this morning and took Bandit to the vet to get his stuff done. He had to get shots, declawed, and neutered. Poor guy! We can't pick him up until tomorrow (Thursday).

The hubby got to sleep in today then we went to the mall with the hubby and kiddos. We ate at Charley's and I got to go shopping at NY&C with my gift card I got for Christmas.

Went to my dentist appointment today (tooth ache) and he didn't know what was going on. He couldn't find anything. He thinks it is a couple things...he thinks it's something stuck in my tooth/gum (popcorn, food) he also thinks it might be something with my nerve in my tooth or my roots. Who knows! At least it is not my tooth. That makes me feel better. He did some tests on my tooth and flossed SUPER HARD in case there was some food stuck up there, but nothing came out. He said if it is still hurting in a week or so to call back and he wants to set me up with a nerve specialist, endodontist. 

Got home and the hubby took the kids to grandma and grandpa's and let me rest a while, so I am watching my soaps and updating my blogs. 

New Year Goals

As we get done with Thanksgiving and the Christmas Holiday it brings us closer to the New Year and many are making New Year resolutions. Most people have New Year resolutions of losing weight, eating healthy or to quit smoking or drinking.

I don't smoke and only drink on occasion and I am not looking to lose weight and already eat healthy. I am looking more at setting realistic goals for my self.

Here are my goals for 2012...

~ Not be so shy!
I know this sounds funny, but I have stranger anxiety and would like to be more outgoing. I love my best friend, she is such a people person. She will walk up to anybody at anytime and make friends in less than 10 minutes. I have to wait until someone comes up to me to talk. I will not just walk over and talk to someone I don't know.

~ Not be so competitive
I am a very competitive person, I have to win and be good at everything I do and if I am not then I get upset. I don't like being that person.

~Don't be so anal about things
I am a scheduler and a routine person. If something doesn't go as planned or I am running behind, I actually get upset and start crying. I have the kids dressed and my self dressed and ready to go for the day by 10 a.m. every day, just in case an emergency comes up and we have to leave the house in a hurry or someone comes over unexpectedly.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Did I Shave My Legs For This?

I spoiled my self tonight. Got in the bathtub, shaved then gave my self a pedicure. 

Hey...if the boys can do "No Shave November....er...December" us women can too, right, ladies? hee hee just kidding. 

We are surprising the kids with Coco Key water park this weekend. Should be fun! Pictures to come! 

Tuesday, December 27th

Good day!

We did Christmas at the in-laws (grandma and grandpa's) this morning. Got to see the niece, nephew and sister-in-law from Kentucky. The kids were pretty excited to see their cousins.

I have a dentist appointment tomorrow (Wednesday). Pretty nervous. I have never had problems with my teeth (had braces and a retainer when I was younger). I go to my 6 month check up and cleanings regularly, but I have this pain in one of my teeth.

I just recently went to a new dentist, got my cleaning and check up in July, (yes, I go back in January for my cleaning and check up). Hopefully it is just a really bad cavity that they didn't catch or just showed up and can fix it.

This is my luck though....I will go in and it will be so bad that they will have to pull it and I will walk around looking hot with one of my front teeth missing. That would be me....

Monday, December 26, 2011

Monday, December 26th

It's definitely Monday! Just another day here at home.

The hubby is on vacation this week, but it still feels like a normal Monday. The hubby let me sleep in today, got up about 11, got in the shower and got down stairs about 11:30-11:40 and still had to do my daily routine with the kids. Brushed kids' teeth, got lunch ready, got the kids dressed, cleaned the house and did laundry. Not complaining...just want to know where my vacation is?

Pretty good day all in all. Went grocery shopping earlier today then went to Fazoli's to eat supper. The hubby is playing in a pool tournament now and I got the kids to bed and now just having some mommy time and watching my soaps.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sunday, December 25th


What a fantastic day! Just seeing the joy on the kids' face knowing it was Christmas morning made the day bright!

I was laying in bed this morning and I could hear Keira whispering to Aden, "Aden, wake up. It's Christmas." He must not have woken up the first 2 times she told him because she kept whispering it to him until they both walked into the room.

We opened gifts, ate our biscuits and gravy then got ready and went to nana and papa's for my mom's Christmas. Two out of 3 brothers were there. It's always good to see my brothers, I don't get to see them very often.

Long night last night. Taygen was up a couple of times. One time she lost her blanky and the second time she lost her Elmo. She also just started a little croup like cough last night. I could hear it when she was crying, when she would breath in I could hear it. She still has it today, but is not running a very high fever. I haven't checked her temp, but if I had to guess, I would say 99-100. Gave her some Tylenol before bed, hopefully she sleeps tonight. She fell asleep on the way to nana's for about an hour then fell asleep on the way home for about 30 minutes and slept in her bed about an hour, now she is sleeping. She is losing her voice. I think it's cute, but she probably don't.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 
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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Saturday, December 24th

Christmas Eve!

Got to sleep in this morning. Got up about 11, Keira was so excited that today was Christmas Eve and she knew we were going to Grandma Rue's tonight to see everyone.

It is 11:51 p.m and it has been a long, but fun day. We relaxed at home until about 4:00 then left for Wymore, just got home about 11:00, the kids were exhausted, they had a little snack and did our bedtime routine and they were out. Of course, we had to leave cookies and milk for Santa.

Aden was the light of the party showing everyone that he could stand on his head. He can do it for about 30 seconds and whistle at the same time ;) He always makes me smile!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Baking Day 4

Today was our 4th and last day of baking cookies. Today we made jello oreo cookie balls.

Surprise Christmas Present

The hubby had to go to Omaha today, so while he was there he decided to pick me up a curio cabinet for Christmas.

It was 191 pounds, but the neighbor guy helped Dan get it in. It was already assembled, so it was super heavy.

It was a very, very nice surprise. I just thought he was just going to Omaha for Keira's appointment but he had different ideas ;)

Everything in it!

The door slides open halfway from both sides! 

Friday, December 23rd

Friday, Friday, Friday!!!

I didn't get to sleep in like my usual Friday, but it was a pretty good day.

Was supposed to take Bandit to the vet to get his shots, declawed, bath and fixed but we had to reschedule.

Keira had her 6 month check up on her arm this morning in Omaha. It went pretty good.

Stayed home most of the day. Made more cookies with the kiddos. Got a surprise Christmas present from the hubby...more to come.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Baking Day 3

Today is day 3 of Christmas baking with the kiddos. Today we made Thumbprints and Snow globes.

Didn't get any pictures of the snow globes because my hands were messy :)

Aden rolling the dough balls in sugar

 Keira rolling it in confectioner's sugar

 They are both filling the "thumbprints"

Final: we filled the thumbprints with m&m's, mini chocolate chips, mini marshmallow, and crushed up candy canes 

Thursday, December 22nd

Didn't go anywhere today. Made more Christmas cookies with the kiddos. Spent time with the kitten and got lots of laundry done.

Nothing exciting today, went to eat at Chipotle with the hubby and kiddos. The hubby officially started his vacation today. He goes back to work the first week of January. YAY!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wednesday, December 21st


Not a good night! The neighbor dog was barking ALL NIGHT, literally.

I couldn't sleep at all, I can just imagine how the kids felt trying to sleep. They must have slept pretty good because they were up by 8:30, like usual.

Today was Keira's last day of school for Christmas break. She had her Christmas program today at school. She did great. She got lots of compliments of how good she did singing and how well she sings and stays on key.

Came home and did round 2 baking cookies. Today we did the snowman cookies. Fun, fun!

I have had such a long day! I am running on 2 hours of sleep. Not a good thing when you are by yourself for 18 hours (hubby has pool tonight so he was home for an hour, to eat). Thinking about going to bed about 9:30 tonight, but 9-11p.m is my relaxing time to get caught up on soaps and shows throughout the week.

I can barely keep my eyes open as I am writing this, better go get some sleep. A nice hot bubble bath sounds good right about now, that always makes me nice and sleepy.

Christmas Baking Day 2

Today was day 2 of baking cookies with the kiddos. Today we did the Nutter Butter Santa.

Aden is putting the eyes on
No special guest today. Aden will be played by Aden today ;)

Keira is sprinkling the red hat on

New Addition

His name is Zebra Bandit and he is 4-5 months

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday, December 20th

Good day today.

Got our kitten. I called the lady last night and set up a time to look at it today and went and got it.

His name is Zebra. He is really cute and loves the kids. Tuesday is usually our down day, so I thought it would be a good day for the kitty to be with the kids.

The kids and I started our Christmas baking today, so we had tons of fun making a mess ;) Playing pool leagues tonight, so hopefully we will do good.

Nothing much to report today.

Christmas Baking

The kids and I started our Christmas baking today. We are going to try to do one cookie a day until Christmas Eve. 

We are planning on making...

Sugar Cookies
Jello pudding balls
Oreo Cookie Snow Globes
Nutter Butter Santas

Today, Tuesday, December 20th, we did our Sugar Cookies. We didn't do anything special with the sugar cookies, we just cut them into circles and let the kids decorate them. 

Keira wasn't too happy about getting her hands dirty/messy. 
It was funny because I know how she feels about messes and I put my hand in to the flour and said, "Keira look." and threw it on the counter. Her eyes lit up and said, "Mom, you're kidding. You just made a mess, please clean it up." I explained to her that it was okay just this one time and that we needed the flour so the dough didn't stick to the counter or the rolling pin. She understood after that but was still worried about getting messy. 
Keira appearing as herself and our guest helper "Spiderman."

Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday, December 19th

7:34 p.m
Pretty busy day for a Monday.

Took Keira to school, picked her up then we all went shopping for baking goodies. 

The kids are watching Alice in Wonderland and I am doing laundry...ugh! I like putting the laundry into the washer and dryer, feels like I actually get the laundry accomplished, I just don't like folding it and putting it away. 

8:59 p.m
Well, it's Monday night again, that means Dan is playing pool (every other week). This is usually my relaxing time, but I have many, many presents to wrap, so I will be watching my soaps and probably listening to country music for a couple hours until I get done.

Well, I have another kitten story. I am starting to think we are not meant to have a kitten around. Saturday, after we ran to the different pet stores and the Capital Humane Society and came up with dead ends, Dan looked in the Journal Star and found a couple people wanting to get rid of their kittens or one found it outside in the cold.

I called one lady, talked to her and she was all set to let us have the kitty. She said she would have her son deliver it and he would call me some time Sunday or Monday. Monday about 6 p.m came around, didn't hear from her son. I called her back, supposedly she didn't remember our conversation and wanted to know everything again, she said, "oh yeah, you're the one that had a couple kids?" I said, "Ya, I have 3 kids." She wanted to know the ages, I told her. Then she says, "this little guy would not be a good fit for kids." AND HUNG UP! Really? I was not mad, I was sad! I actually started crying. I had my hopes up for this little kitten, luckily, I didn't tell the kids yet.

There was another lady that found a kitty in a parking lot and brought it home and is now looking for a home. I called her and told her my information. She said that she had an elderly woman interested in it and the lady was going to give her a definite answer Monday or Tuesday and that she would call me and let me know. I called her tonight about 8 p.m and no answer. 

I called another lady here in town, she has one male about 4 or 5 months old that she has to give away because she is moving. I asked her if we could come by and take a look at it and have time for the kids to get to know it for a little bit. The only problem is that it doesn't have any shots or is not fixed yet. So, I'm trying to find a good vet here in town. 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday, December 18th

The kids had their Christmas program at Church today. Keira had a line that she had to read. She did great. She was dressed up as a little angel.

Aden was also a little angel. He didn't want to be, he was supposed to be a shepherd, but they didn't have an outfit that was short enough for him. He sat up in the front like such a big boy.

I got to play in a 9 ball tourney today, but I didn't have very good luck. I choked on the 9 ball 2 times and just didn't play very good.

The kids, the hubby and I went to look at Christmas lights last night. The musical ones that sing and dance. The kids thought it was pretty neat. We saw them last year too. Some of the ones we saw last night were the same as last year, but it was still fun.

I had a horrible headache (not going to say migraine, because I have never been diagnosed with migraines, but pretty darn close!) last night when we got home from seeing the lights, so the hubby let me go to bed early. I went to bed before the kids ;) about 8:45 p.m.

Saturday, December 17th

Let the hubby sleep in then the hubby and I went to finish our Christmas shopping.

The plan was to find our kitty today. But it is me we are talking about, so it can't be good.

We decided to go to Petsmart first and look at the kitties their. I found a 4 month old kitty that I liked. Dan and I decided to go to Petco later and look at the different kittens they had. We didn't see any thing we were looking for. We looked up the Capital Humane Society address, they closed at 3, this was 2:00, we were at Shopko at this time. The cashier took forever it seemed. Then we sat at the same light through 3 different red lights. We finally got to the Humane Society at 2:55, we pulled up and the sign said closed. Of course!

We then went back to Petsmart to look at the 4 month old kitty that I liked and hopefully get it. It had a sign that said "Adoption in Progress." This was only a couple hours later. So, between 1 and 3:30 (when we got back) someone had adopted that kitty that we wanted. I guess that kitty wasn't meant to be or we weren't supposed to pick out a kitty today.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Conversation With My 5 Year Old

Today on the way to school it was just Keira and I. She was asking if she could have a Dora DVD and I said maybe for Christmas.

I said, "You guys are going to get a lot of Christmas gifts, maybe someone will get you a DVD. You are going to get gifts from mom and dad, Santa, nana and papa, grandma and grandpa, aunt Jackie, and uncle Robby....." And continued to name off her other uncles and aunts that they would receive gifts from and she interrupted me and said, "But mom, that's a lot of gifts. We can't have that many gifts and that would be a lot of pajamas. That would be very nice of them, but that's still a lot of gifts."  I said, "I know, that is a lot of gifts, but you are also giving gifts back to the people that give you gifts."

Then she changed the subject and started talking about her last day of school. Her last day of school for break is next Wednesday, December 21, also her Christmas program at school. I said, "Ya, Keira you have today, Monday and Wednesday left before school is done until January." She was confused (because she knows she doesn't start kindergarten until August) and thought I meant done with school, meaning that she would start kindergarten in January and not be able to see her friend Seth, so she was pretty sad about that.

I explained to her that she would go back to preschool and see all her friends in January that she was just on Christmas break, a mini vacation. She said, "Then can we go to the beach during our vacation?" She said, "Mom, it would be nice and warm at the beach." I just laughed and said, "Maybe in the summer we can go to the beach for our own little vacation."

Friday, December 16th

Well, it's Friday, Finally!

Got to sleep in today again until 10:30. Nothing too exciting today.

Was going to go pick out a kitten with the kids at Petco today after Keira's school, but the hubby decided him and I should go see the kittens first, pick one out, then take the kids to pick it up. Rather than the kids falling in love with 2 or 3 that they cant have.

We have been planning on getting a kitten since about July-August, but the hubby wanted to wait to get a kitty on a special event. We didn't want to get it in September because we didn't want the kids to think we got it for just Aden (for his birthday) and we didn't want to get it in November because we didn't want the other kids to think it was just for Keira (her birthday), so we decided to get it for Christmas for all 3.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Giveaway Deadline

Today, December 15th was the last day for the giveaway. 

I just want to thank all of the readers and emailers.

For the first giveaway group, (already members and emailers) I entered 63 entries in to the random number generator. I have emailed the winners ;) Congrats!

For the second giveaway group, (people that just became members through email and have started emailing) I entered 157 entries in to the number generator. I have emailed the winners also. Congrats!

You were numbered based on the order of your email.

Again, Congratulations to those winners and thank you for emailing and reading. I will have another giveaway toward Spring.

Thursday, December 15th

2:26 p.m
Took the kids to the Y to go swimming because Thursday's are our down days. Took Taygen to the Child Watch then took Keira and Aden swimming. We swam for about 40 minutes. I took the Aden and Keira into the child watch with Taygen then went and sat in the hot tub for about 30 minutes.

It felt pretty good to be by myself for a little bit. Picked up the kids then headed home for some lunch. Laid Taygen down for a nap, now I am watching Tangerine Bear Christmas special with Keira and Aden.

The hubby has to go to Church tonight and is going to be in the living Nativity. I might take the kids to watch for a little bit again tonight. Last night we went to see it but just drove through because the hubby had to be at pool by 7:30 and it was already 7:12 at this time.

Thinking Thursday

Explain how you chose your career path.

Well, right now my career is a stay-at-home-mom. I chose this career because I wanted to stay at home with my kids (obviously). 

I originally went to school for Elementary Special Ed. but, half way through, I decided to change my major to Psychology. I got my Bachelor's of Science in Psychology. When the kids are all in school 3 years, I will work on my Master's in Child Psychology and hopefully have my own practice when I get done with that. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wonderful Wordless Wednesdays

Wednesday, December 14th

8:29 a.m
The electricity went out last night at home about 11:40 p.m. The hubby and I were laying in bed (just got into bed a little before that) and everything went dark. I didn't know what happened. We have a little portable heater in our room, I thought maybe that blew a fuse, but I looked down the street and everyone's lights were out.

Not good when you are afraid of the dark and you are trying to sleep. So, the hubby lit a candle and kept it in the room. It was actually kind of romantic ;).  Of course, Dan was already sleeping, I just couldn't get to sleep. I was worried about the candle burning, so I blew it out,  and I was worried about laying their in the dark pretty much by my self. The lights finally came on about 12:50 a.m.

After the electricity finally came back on (felt like forever) I was able to fall asleep. I woke up about 3:36 a.m, not sure why, just went potty then got back in bed. The hubby's alarm went off at 5:15, so of course I was up then. He kept hitting snooze and I would wake up every time the damn snooze went off, I think it was 3 or 4 times. I must have fallen asleep at the last snooze ( I usually try to stay awake just to make sure he gets up and doesn't accidentally shut his alarm off) because my alarm went off at 7:30 and I turned to his side and tried nudging him because I thought it was his again,  but he was already gone.

Taygen woke up about 8:00, but she just wanted her blanky and went back to sleep. Now I am up all by myself and all the kids are still sleeping. Forgot how quiet this house is...

9:54 p.m
Good day! Not my usual busy Wednesday because Keira doesn't have dance anymore. So, picked her up from school then went grocery shopping. Came home and got a text from the hubby saying her was going to be home an hour early.  The hubby text me about going out for supper and going to look at the living Nativity scene at Church. I already had something planned for supper (the oven preheating). But Chipotle sounded super good, so decided to go eat out instead.

When we got done looking at the Living Nativity scene, we dropped daddy off at pool (grandpa is bringing him home). Came home, got the kids' pj's on and we all laid on the floor and watched a movie. It was a super good night of pj's and snuggling.

Tuesday, December 13th

Weird day. Taygen slept until 12 noon today. Not sure why, but apparently she needed the extra sleep. I kept going in and checking on her and left her door open just a tad, but she just kept on sleeping.

The plan for was to have everyone up and ready by 10 a.m to go shopping, come home, eat lunch then lay Taygen down for her nap and wrap all the presents. That didn't work with Taygen sleeping that long, so we just stayed home, ate lunch about noon and then headed out shopping. Needless to say, Taygen did not get a nap.

Got the hubby done and the grandparents done. Got home and started wrapping the presents for daddy and the grandparents. Aden and Keira helped out a lot. Those "pop up" tape dispensers are great for kids! Aden and Keira just loved them, it made wrapping go so fast. They had the next piece of tape ready for me by the time I needed another one.

Pretty good night at pool. Our team won 3. We were stuck on 2 1/2 for a long time, glad we got over that hump.

The electricity went out at home about 11:40 p.m, not good when you are scared of the dark and trying to sleep :(

Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday, December 12th

Forgot to mention, the kids' visit with nana was cut short. They were supposed to stay Friday night and Saturday night, but Keira was confused and wanted to come home. So, we picked them up Saturday evening about 5 p.m. The original plan was for them to stay Friday night and come home Saturday, but Dan and I changed our mind a couple hours before we left to drop the kids off (text my mom to make sure it was ok for the extra night) but forgot to tell Keira we wouldn't pick them up until Sunday afternoon. Well, Saturday rolls around and Keira was wondering where we were, my mom tried to explain that we would be their Sunday, but Keira wanted to come home. So, we picked them up a day early. Which, we didn't mind because we had everything we had planned to do done, plus we were ready to have them home anyway!


It definitely is Monday!

My day started out good. Started out great actually. I didn't want to get up when my alarm went off at 7:30 a.m., (but do I ever want to get up?) so, I just laid in bed debating whether or not I should get up ;). Then Aden came in to the room about 8 and snuggled in my bed with me. Everyone else was sleeping and it was so peaceful and quiet. I love when the kids want to cuddle.

Then got my day started, took Keira to school, my usual Monday stuff. Took the kids to get ice cream after we picked Keira up from school. Then I got a very annoying text, got it figured out though. Just one of those situations where someone promises you something and doesn't go through with it. Just annoying!

Came home, got supper ready for the family then went tanning. I got a rather enjoyable, unexpected text.

Planning on going more Christmas shopping tomorrow. Our kids are done, but we have 9 nieces and nephews, Dan and I are doing that together on Saturday. The kids and I are going to pick out grandma, grandpa, nana & papa's gift tomorrow.

Motivational Mondays

Motivational Mondays


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sunday, December 11th

We didn't have Sunday School today because the kids used up the whole hour practicing for their Christmas program. Which didn't hurt my feelings any (Dan and I are one of the Sunday School teachers so, we actually got a little break today). The hubby, in-laws, and I went for breakfast at HyVee.

Didn't get my usual Sunday nap today ;( The hubby played in a 9 ball pool tourney until 7 p.m then went out as a family to Fazoli's and ate supper.

We got home from eating and the hubby told me to get in the bath tub and he would take over. Sounded pretty dang good to me! So, I got in a nice warm bubble bath and just sat there.

Not A Good Idea!

We have a living room and a family room (2 separate floors). Our living room is up stairs by our kitchen and our family room is down stairs by the pool table room.

We used to have our living room as a 'sitting room' with just a couch, chair and nook. Our family room had the couch, chair, T.V and play area. Well, we recently switched the rooms around because the family room is by the garage and gets super cold when the kids are playing and/or watching T.V.

The living room now has the T.V. Uggg! Not good! Before, the only time I ever watched T.V was from 9 p.m- 11:00 p.m. Now, it is so easy to just plop down on the couch and watch T.V. When the T.V was down stairs, that was the kids' area so, I never went down their unless I was playing games with them.

Before, the kids could just come up stairs in the living room and color or do crafts but now they want to watch the T.V while they are doing their stuff. Of course, I don't let them because they still only watch the television about an hour a day. But, it is just hard to have that temptation.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday, December 10

Planning on going Christmas shopping today with the hubby. We took the kids to nana's for the weekend :(

I love Christmas shopping. The hubby asked me last night, what I wanted for Christmas. I had to think about it for a while... I still don't know. Usually, I just focus on the kids and hubby, (in laws & parents). The hubby was thinking about getting me a car starter, but I wouldn't know when I would use it. I am in the garage most of the time and if I go anywhere, it is less than an hour.

Anyway, I am sitting here watching Ghost Busters waiting for the hubby to get ready.

Friday, December 9th

Took the kids to nana's today for the weekend :( The hubby and I went shopping at the mall for some Christmas gifts then went to see The Sitter. It wasn't as funny as I thought it was going to be. I was thinking about watching New Year's Eve, but some said it was just like Valentine's Day and didn't get very good ratings.

Sneak Peek!

I am making the hubby something special for Christmas. But...he doesn't know yet, but here are a couple sneak peek pictures.....

Friday, December 9, 2011

Shopping With the Kids

In an earlier post, I said I loved shopping with my kids. I actually meant it! There are a couple reasons why I love shopping, being in public, or even eating out with my kids.

-They are well behaved
-Love showing them off!
-It's fun!

My kids are so well behaved. I get so many compliments about my kids. This lady was walking out of a store as I was walking in with the 3 kids and she said, "Oh my, you have your hands full." I said, "no, not really, they are all very well behaved."

It makes going out in public, shopping or eating with your kids fun when they are behaving. I will give you some ideas that we do to get our kids involved with behaving and cooperating with you when you are out in public.

Some of our secrets for having fun while out in public with our kids are...

Give them an incentive
~ While at the grocery store, let them help you get produce or product that you need.
~Let them read the grocery list
~Play a game... a rhyming game while shopping, a color game or a number game
~ Sing songs while walking around the store (quietly, of course)

While eating out
~ Let them sit at their own table, Keira and Aden sit at a 2 seater by them selves. It makes them feel like they are important and they are more likely to mind and behave if they can be independent and feel like their own person.
~ Let them clean up their own area after eating. It is not only fun for them, but it teaches them responsibility.

Of course, it all starts at home with the parents cooperating with the kids on their behavior.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

My Gift to You!

My Gift To You! 

Give Away

I am doing my first official give away.

As the Christmas Season approaches we all should remember that this is a time for giving. So, my gift to you, my readers, followers, emailers or commenters are gift cards. 

Here's how it is going to work....

I have over 60 some people that email me on a daily basis or are followers through email. I will choose 5 people who already follow me through email or who email me on a daily basis and those that I choose will receive one $30 gift card to where ever they choose... it can be a restaurant gift card, clothing store, shoe store, etc. After I randomly choose those 5 people through random number generator, I will then email them letting them know they have won.

I will also choose 3 people ($20 gift card to each) who do not follow through email or comment on any of my posts. I will also do a random drawing and email the winners.

Now, If you are not on my email list or just read my blog but do not leave any comments, here are a couple things you need to do before you can be part of the giveaway.
~Follow by email
~Comment on one or two of my posts
~Email me with a question you would like to see on a 'Thinking Thursday' post.

So, good luck and enjoy!

This giveaway will end on December, 15th.

Thursday, December 8th

I did not want to get up this morning. I opened my eyes this morning and it felt like my eyes were swollen, I don't know why, I slept pretty good last night. I have been having headaches off and on today as well. I just hope I am not getting sick.

Today went fast. Started snowing about 10 a.m., thought it was going to stop, mmm nope, still snowing at 9:07 p.m. I actually thought of "mmmm bop" when I wrote mmm nope, how sad is that?

Went to the mall with the kids to get the hubby's Christmas gifts. Came home, laid Taygen down for her nap then went out and scooped the drive way. If anyone was watching me they were probably laughing their asses off because I fell while I was scooping. Yes, I said I fell. I actually fell forward, so it wasn't on my ass, I caught my self with my hands, my right wrist hurts a little but my dignity probably hurts more ;)

The second time I scooped at about 6 p.m, I didn't fall...pretty good accomplishment for me.

Thinking Thursday

Who would you most like to be like if you could change your personality?

I am a very shy person, so if I changed my personality, I would like to be like my best girl friend. She can talk to anyone, anywhere. I am the type of person who cannot strike up a conversation with just anyone. I have to be in my comfort zone, which is around my friends before I will strike up a conversation. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wednesday, December 7th

Oh, it's only Wednesday!

9:13 p.m
Just sitting here relaxing. Watching my Food network shows.

Nothing exciting today. Keira is done with dance for a while, so today wasn't my usual busy Wednesday. Played Wii with the kids for a little bit tonight after supper. The hubby has pool leagues again tonight, so it's my usual Wednesday for being super bored.

Nothing really planned for tomorrow, might go to the mall with the kiddos and do some Christmas shopping for the hubby.

Wonderful Wordless Wednesdays

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tuesday, December 6th

Got up about 8:15, everyone was still sleeping. Got myself ready, came down stairs and started cleaning (Tuesday's are cleaning days).

Aden was the winner for sleeping the longest today. He woke up at 10:20. He was up until 10:00 p.m last night because we had movie night and watched 'The Polar Express', that didn't get over until 9:30, then he was up about 3 a.m asking me to help him go potty, so I'm sure he didn't go right to sleep.

Went grocery shopping today. Love going shopping with the kids! I don't have my pool leagues tonight because we have a bye, but some of my friends shoot tonight on a different league, so I am going to go visit them and cheer them on.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday, December 5th

Well, it's Monday! Pretty good day so far. I had my Skinny Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks so, that's makes a Monday all better! :)

We got a new heater for our room, the kids spent most of the morning playing in the box from the heater and coloring on it. Maybe we should just get them a couple of boxes for Christmas ;)

Actually, we are getting them a box for Christmas....This is just one of the many gifts that they will get.

Anyway, Keira is at school and Taygen is napping. Aden is resting on the couch and mommy is updating her sites and doing laundry :( uggg!  The hubby is working today then he has pool leagues....just like Wednesday's he will be home for a total of 30 minutes tonight for supper.

Motivational Mondays

Motivational Mondays


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sunday, December 4th

Well, it's Sunday, one day closer to Monday :(  Today was not as busy as the rest of the weekend.

Went to Sunday School and Church then came home and spent a couple of hours with the kiddos then the hubby let me nap for a couple of hours, which I needed!

So excited! Our cruise for our 10th anniversary is exactly 2 months away (February 4th). Can't wait. Going with 3 of my really good friends. I am really nervous and excited at the same time. I don't do good when I am around a big crowd of people (stranger anxiety). My best friend, Brandi is the same way except she is more claustrophobic and a little more outgoing than I am, so she will do good with the people, just not the plane or ship itself. We are a good team, we balance each other out :)

Nothing too exciting today, it is Sunday after all.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saturday, December 3rd

Another super busy day!

Wasn't such a busy day for me as it was for the kids. I let the hubby sleep in today until about 10:30. Got the kids ready to go. I got in the shower and the hubby made lunch (pancakes) for the kids while I got ready.

Keira had her dance recital today at 1:00 p.m. Got done with that about 1:30, got home about 2:15. Changed Keira out of her dance outfit and then grandma and grandpa came to pick Keira and Aden up about 2:30 to go see Santa at g'ma's work (was already planned, so the kids knew they were going). When Keira and Aden get home, we have to get ready to go to Keira's friend, Seth's birthday party 5:30-7:30 p.m

While the kids are with g'ma and g'pa seeing Santa, Taygen is napping and I am working on the computer. So, this is my down time for the day.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday, December 2

Got to sleep in today.

Super busy day today. I like having busy days, because it makes the day go faster, but just not on a weekend.

Slept until 10:30, 10:39 to be exact ;). Got in the shower, got lunch ready for the kids then took Keira to school. Daddy and the other kids stayed home. I went tanning after I dropped Keira off...so relaxing! The hubby had the living room and family room rearranged when I got home, so that was nice.

Picked Keira up from school then her and I went shopping to find a birthday present for her "boyfriend". Got home about 4:30, cooked supper, then got my self ready to go to the hubby's work Christmas party.

The Christmas party was fun. They had Karaoke. Made a new friend and we danced most of the night. Never sang though. I met and talked to a lot of nice people. It was good to have a night out.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thinking Thursdays

What is a secret about you?

A secret about me? If I told you it wouldn't be a secret anymore, right? Sorry, keeping my secrets to my self.

Thursday, December 1st

9:35 a.m
I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. I could hear the wind from my window and it sounded cold outside. It is actually pretty cold today, the high is supposed to be 34 degrees. I guess it is actually looking like Winter, finally. 

I really want to go shopping (clothes) today. They have all tops, sweaters, and new arrivals 50% off at Gymboree (my favorite clothing store for the kids). Pretty pricey store, but I love their clothes! They last a long time and they do not fade or shrink. Another one of my favorite stores for the kids is The Children's Place, also a pretty pricey store, but it is worth it. 

I am not an online shopper. I have to actually see the product, in this case, the clothing. I have to feel it, touch it and just look at the quality. Plus, it's my luck that I will get the wrong size (even though I know it is the right size) or wrong color and have to return it. For some reason, the size that they say online and the size when you get it are two different sizes. 

Anyway, I feel like I am just blabbing today. Maybe it is because I didn't get any adult interaction yesterday, Wednesday (the hubby doesn't get home from work until 6:30 p.m, eats and leaves by 7:00 p.m to go play pool) or yet this morning, so, I am letting it all out for all you to hear ;). The only time the hubby and I actually get some "talking" time is when we are laying in bed about 11:00 p.m and it drives him crazy because (he works all day and I am home with the kids all day), I will lay in bed and just talk, talk, talk because I haven't had any adult interaction all day and I just need to talk about what happened or what went on during the day. 

Taygen is still sleeping. She woke up from her nap yesterday with a slight fever, about 100. She seemed fine yesterday, running around as usual, but you could tell she was a little run down. She went to sleep right away last night about 8:40. Her bed time is usually 9, but her eyes were so red and I could see that she was a little weak and just wanted to crash (she had a 2 hour nap also) so I laid her down a little earlier than normal.