I am really not that complicated. When people first meet me they think I am "stuck up", "mean", or a "bitch." That is not me at all, I am just really reserved when it comes to who I talk to. I have to really get to know you and trust you before I will "open up." I am a lot of fun to be around!
I am married to the most wonderful man! We have been married for almost 10 years (May) and have 3 beautiful, wonderful children! I could not ask for more. I am a stay at home mom with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and plan to work on my Masters in child counseling within the next 5 years.
My family comes first before anything in my life. My best friends come next! I will do anything for my family, I will also do anything for my friends, but you really have to be in my life and involved before I will call you a real, true friend. I have had some friends shit on me in the past, so I am a very reserved person when it comes to meeting new people and getting to know you.
The things I love to do the most is dance with the kids, watch them interact with each other, sing songs with them.. just be around them makes me smile and cry at the same time. I am a very emotional person! I cry when I am happy, sad, mad, angry..I cry watching a person cry on T.V. :) About the only time the hubby and I get (alone) time together is when the kids go to bed. I cherish the time we have together because we do not get a lot of alone time these days.
When I am alone (which is usually never :) ) I love to take a hot bath with bubbles and baby oil. When it is raining or storming, I just love to lay down on my bed and listen to it.