Thanksgiving Eve!
Went grocery shopping today, usually we do it on Tuesday, but Keira had a Dr. appt. (not her well-child check, but a different appt.) this Tuesday. Got some snacky stuff and baking stuff to make Keira some cookie balls for her special treat on Monday for her birthday. We are going to my mom's for Thanksgiving so, I don't have to cook a big meal or anything.
I will probably make them Sunday night and have her help me. Not a bad day today. It is sunny and nice and warm outside, okay not warm, but better than what we have had.
Took the kids outside to play on our swing set and then took them on a walk around our neighborhood, about a mile or a little more. Sounds like today and Thanksgiving are going to be our only nice days for a long time.
Excited to go Black Friday shopping tomorrow (Thanksgiving) at midnight with my besties!