As we get done with Thanksgiving and the Christmas Holiday it brings us closer to the New Year and many are making New Year resolutions. Most people have New Year resolutions of losing weight, eating healthy or to quit smoking or drinking.
I don't smoke and only drink on occasion and I am not looking to lose weight and already eat healthy. I am looking more at setting realistic goals for my self.
Here are my goals for 2012...
~ Not be so shy!
I know this sounds funny, but I have stranger anxiety and would like to be more outgoing. I love my best friend, she is such a people person. She will walk up to anybody at anytime and make friends in less than 10 minutes. I have to wait until someone comes up to me to talk. I will not just walk over and talk to someone I don't know.
~ Not be so competitive
I am a very competitive person, I have to win and be good at everything I do and if I am not then I get upset. I don't like being that person.
~Don't be so anal about things
I am a scheduler and a routine person. If something doesn't go as planned or I am running behind, I actually get upset and start crying. I have the kids dressed and my self dressed and ready to go for the day by 10 a.m. every day, just in case an emergency comes up and we have to leave the house in a hurry or someone comes over unexpectedly.