New Year's Eve!
We didn't do much today. I got to sleep in today, since I haven't slept in since Monday (hubby is on vacation, so we are taking turns sleeping in.)
I was supposed to get laundry done today, but we went shopping instead. The hubby wanted to go to The Home Depot and spend his gift card he got for Christmas and I went to Old Navy and spent some moola. Ran into a friend, not literately, that would be embarrassing :), anyway, we stood there and talked for about an hour and a half while the kids played and talked.
Didn't get home until after 4:30, the kids and hubby relaxed while I went tanning, trying to get back on schedule with that since our cruise is in a MONTH! About 6 p.m we went to the in laws (hubby's parents), his sister is in town so we spent New Year's Eve with them.
We had a little celebration with the kids about 10 p.m with punch and cookies.
Better relax while I can, In about 5 days I will have 6 kids all together. I told one of my friends that I would baby sit her 3 kids (5 and 3 year old twins). It happens to be Keira's best friend from school, so they will all get along great. It is only 2 days a week, but it's going to be a work out.