About Me

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I have a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and I am currently working on my Masters of Arts in Counseling.I have had experience as a youth treatment specialist, child counselor, a great deal of understanding in child development and am a stay-at-home-mom to 3 wonderful, beautiful kids under the age of 9. I have a passion for child psychology and fashion.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sunday, December 11th

We didn't have Sunday School today because the kids used up the whole hour practicing for their Christmas program. Which didn't hurt my feelings any (Dan and I are one of the Sunday School teachers so, we actually got a little break today). The hubby, in-laws, and I went for breakfast at HyVee.

Didn't get my usual Sunday nap today ;( The hubby played in a 9 ball pool tourney until 7 p.m then went out as a family to Fazoli's and ate supper.

We got home from eating and the hubby told me to get in the bath tub and he would take over. Sounded pretty dang good to me! So, I got in a nice warm bubble bath and just sat there.