8:29 a.m
The electricity went out last night at home about 11:40 p.m. The hubby and I were laying in bed (just got into bed a little before that) and everything went dark. I didn't know what happened. We have a little portable heater in our room, I thought maybe that blew a fuse, but I looked down the street and everyone's lights were out.
Not good when you are afraid of the dark and you are trying to sleep. So, the hubby lit a candle and kept it in the room. It was actually kind of romantic ;). Of course, Dan was already sleeping, I just couldn't get to sleep. I was worried about the candle burning, so I blew it out, and I was worried about laying their in the dark pretty much by my self. The lights finally came on about 12:50 a.m.
After the electricity finally came back on (felt like forever) I was able to fall asleep. I woke up about 3:36 a.m, not sure why, just went potty then got back in bed. The hubby's alarm went off at 5:15, so of course I was up then. He kept hitting snooze and I would wake up every time the damn snooze went off, I think it was 3 or 4 times. I must have fallen asleep at the last snooze ( I usually try to stay awake just to make sure he gets up and doesn't accidentally shut his alarm off) because my alarm went off at 7:30 and I turned to his side and tried nudging him because I thought it was his again, but he was already gone.
Taygen woke up about 8:00, but she just wanted her blanky and went back to sleep. Now I am up all by myself and all the kids are still sleeping. Forgot how quiet this house is...
9:54 p.m
Good day! Not my usual busy Wednesday because Keira doesn't have dance anymore. So, picked her up from school then went grocery shopping. Came home and got a text from the hubby saying her was going to be home an hour early. The hubby text me about going out for supper and going to look at the living Nativity scene at Church. I already had something planned for supper (the oven preheating). But Chipotle sounded super good, so decided to go eat out instead.
When we got done looking at the Living Nativity scene, we dropped daddy off at pool (grandpa is bringing him home). Came home, got the kids' pj's on and we all laid on the floor and watched a movie. It was a super good night of pj's and snuggling.