It's Friday!
Didn't get to sleep in today, like my usual Friday. I know, boo hoo, right?
The hubby had to work today because of the holiday. Today turned out to be an annoying day. Aden has had an infection thingy on his finger. I'm thinking he had a hang nail that he pulled, but he never said anything about it.
Anyway, made an appointment for him today, of course we couldn't see our original doctor so we had to see a different one. I told the nurse all his symptoms (including his fever he had on Wednesday), she wrote them down on his record sheet. The Doctor never said anything about his fever. We were getting ready to leave and she said, "if he gets a fever, call right away." Ummmm, did you look at his record?! So, she looks down at his record and says, "Oh, I see he had a fever on Wednesday. Let me check him out a little more." Then she noticed that he had swollen lymph notes. She prescribed some antibiotics for his finger and said come back in a week if his lymph notes don't go down. Ahhhhh so frustrated...
We headed over to get his medicine (just the kids and I). The pharmacist told me he wasn't in the system, that they hadn't called it in yet. I was mad at this point. I called the Dr. back and asked why this wasn't called in yet. She said that they had faxed it in over an hour ago, but she said she will call them and do it verbally. I then went back to stand in line...again, he wasn't in the system, by this time I was beyond mad. Come to find out it was a miscommunication on the pharmacists' end, there were 3 of them working, how could that happen?! They finally found his name in the system, but they didn't even start his medication yet...I said, how long will it take? They told me 20 minutes, by this time I was super mad. So, I just left the store. Planning on going back tomorrow, hopefully it should be done by then.