The hubby went back to work today after the Holiday vacations, which means no more sleeping in for me this week ;(. But it is a short work day for Dan. Usually he gets home after 6:30 p.m, but this week he will get home between 5:15 and 5:30, an hour before he usually gets home.
Was up at 7:40 this morning. Decided to take the kids to the Y and went swimming. We won't have much time for that when I start baby sitting 3 extra kids on Tuesday and Thursdays, so I figure this is our last swim for a couple of months.
Got a new Wii game for the kids for Christmas...Ready, Set, Grover by Sesame Street. It is very good, it has plenty of exercises for when the kids are stuck inside for the Winter.
I didn't have my pool leagues this week because of Holiday break.
I consider myself a very good pool player, that is probably the most reason I am so competitive, because most of the people I play, I know I can or should beat! Sometimes I don't beat them, I beat myself and I just get so upset because I tend to fall to their level and play like them. Anyway, I have a big pool tournament in Columbus next weekend (January 13, 14 &15th) so I am setting a goal for myself to practice/play at least 5 games a day from today until Friday when I leave to go play. I am playing singles on Friday (and can beat most of the girls that play their!) and team on Saturday, not too worried about that either because I have the best girls on my team! We are an awesome team of ladies.