1:19 p.m
I had in an earlier post that Keira and Aden both wanted to just relax one day and lay with their blankies. I said this only happens when they are starting to feel bad. Sure enough, Keira is sick today.
The hubby was also sick today, so he stayed home from work. I got to sleep in a little because he was up anyway and couldn't sleep, so he got up with the kids. When I woke up, Keira was kind of moping around. I asked her if she was okay and she said, "ya, daddy gave me some medicine already," meaning Tylenol. I didn't know why and come to find out she was coughing super bad and had a fever.
I checked her temp before she left for school and it was 97.5 and she said she was feeling fine. I took her to school and warned her teachers that she had said she didn't feel good before, so if she doesn't seem like herself that is why. I got a call from one of her teachers saying that she had a fever and was just laying on the beanbags.
So, hopefully she can get plenty of rest today.
9:47 p.m
Picked Keira up early from school. Came home and she laid on the couch and watched some of her shows. She got rid of her fever, but is sneezing a lot and has a runny nose.
The hubby stayed home from work today because he was also feeling sick. The hubby was nice enough to give me some time today to get some of my other sites updated.