Bandit was our kitty that we got the kids for Christmas. Bandit was only 10 months old. Something happened to him this weekend. We had to rush him to the vet. The vet told us that he would be better off put to sleep, so that's what we decided so he didn't have to suffer anymore.
When we leave the house, Bandit likes to sit inside by the garage door and wait for us to come home. When we come inside we have to be extra careful that he doesn't go out into the garage because he is an inside cat and can't go outside. So, usually we have to come inside and shut the door quickly or he gets nosey and wants to stick his head out the door. We came inside, he was sitting there waiting for us, like usual. Thought he went up stairs with everyone else because he wasn't in his spot anymore. Shut the door pretty hard, because it was windy and Bandit was poking his little head out the door being his nosey self and got his head slammed in the door. He was bleeding and barely breathing.. (none of the kids saw this because they were all upstairs by now). I was frantic after I saw all the blood. Dan moved him into the garage, so we could get him a towel to lay on while we transported him to the vet. Dan took him to the vet and they said he had severe brain damage and was blind. They could do surgery, but he would be blind and wouldn't be himself anymore, so they suggested to put him to sleep so he wouldn't suffer anymore.
We only had him for 4 months, but it felt like we had him forever. He fit into our little family like he was born here. The kids loved him and he was so gentle to them. Every night while the kids did their bedtime routine, he would go into Keira and Aden's room (share a room) and lay on Aden's bed (bottom bunk) and wait for them to come in and get tucked in. After the covers were on Aden, he would lay at his feet and wait for him to go to sleep. When he thought Aden was okay, he would go up to the top bunk where Keira sleeps and check on her and make sure she was ok. I found this out because I went into their room one night about 10 minutes after I laid them down to check on them and Bandit was laying on Aden's feet, he then got up and climbed onto the top bunk, walked over to Keira's head, sniffed her then walked back down by her feet and laid down. When he knows they are both sleeping and are okay, he would come down stairs and come lay on my lap, like he was letting me know that the kids were okay. It was just amazing to watch. He did this every night. Taygen's door is closed at night, so he couldn't go in there, but if he heard her talk, he would go sit in front of her door.
I think this is harder on me than it is the kids. Dan and I sat down and told the kids last night after the emergency visit to the vet and told them that Bandit wouldn't be back that he was going up to Heaven with other animals and people to watch over them and make sure everyone up there is okay. Keira didn't cry at all. The only thing she said was, "If he's in Heaven then he is okay?" "That's a good place for him, because God will take care of him." and she doesn't want another animal because she doesn't want anything to happen to it. Aden wanted another kitty just like Bandit. We told the kids we are not getting another animal for a little while.
Last night and today was so hard. Last night when I was putting Taygen to bed, I thought I saw Bandit walk into her room in the corner of my eye, of course, I lost it. Then the hubby had his fountain drink on the table while we were watching T.V. and I thought I saw Bandit come up the stairs, like he always does after he goes potty, but it was just the straw of his cup. I cleaned up his food dish last night and put that away. I was going to take out his litter box, but Dan did it for me. I had a plastic bag in my hand heading down stairs and Dan said, "What is that for?" I just lost it and started bawling and said it was for Bandit's litter box. He took it from me and did it himself. He is having a rough time too. He was the one to rush him to the vet and he was the one who had to see them put him to sleep.
I'm just glad he is not in pain anymore and he is with all his friends. I am grateful that Dan could be there with him. While they were putting him to sleep, Dan got to pet him and talk to him. Bandit wound up being blind, so he couldn't see Dan, but he knew daddy was there with him because he could hear his voice.
Just makes you think that anything can happen at any moment. Bandit you will be missed! We love you!