About Me

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I have a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and I am currently working on my Masters of Arts in Counseling.I have had experience as a youth treatment specialist, child counselor, a great deal of understanding in child development and am a stay-at-home-mom to 3 wonderful, beautiful kids under the age of 9. I have a passion for child psychology and fashion.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Thursday, April 12th

One day closer to Friday.

I said in some of my recent posts that the kids have been waking up before 7:30 a.m. Well, I told the kids when I put them to bed last night that they could sleep as long as they wanted to because we didn't have anything to do or anywhere to be in the morning. Keira said, so we don't have to get up early?

So, this morning the kids did not get up until after 9:30! Is that all I have to do is tell them to sleep longer?

On Tuesday, Keira was getting tired of her glasses. They are not fun or exciting anymore because they are not "new" anymore. She asked me if she could take them off. I said, no you have to keep them on. So, I went up stairs without her knowing, took my contacts out and put my glasses on and came down stairs. She was so excited to see my glasses on. She knows I have glasses, but knows I wear my contacts instead. That got her excited again knowing that we were twins, as she called us ;)