About Me

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I have a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and I am currently working on my Masters of Arts in Counseling.I have had experience as a youth treatment specialist, child counselor, a great deal of understanding in child development and am a stay-at-home-mom to 3 wonderful, beautiful kids under the age of 9. I have a passion for child psychology and fashion.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Aden's 4 year well child check

Well, Aden had his 4th birthday on September 9th. He's such a big boy and has really matured into a fine young man in the last 6 months.

His height is 38 1/8 inches tall and in the 11th percentile. His weight is 32.4 and in the 19th percentile. His blood pressure was good.

He had to have four shots today. He is actually in a controlled research group for his shots. I could have chosen to give him all 4 shots separately or 3 shots with 2 of the shots in a single syringe (so he had to have 3 shots instead of 4.) I decided to do the 3 shots and put him into the research group. The problem is I have to keep a diary of his activities, any reactions, his temp. every day, if his arm swells or if there is any red marks or welts by the shot area. Even if he has no reactions to these meds, I still have to keep this diary. They will call me 8 days from the shots and see how he is doing. He has to go back in 4 weeks and they will check his diary and do another check of his body. They will keep this going for 6 months to see how the shots are reacting together in his body. He seems to be doing pretty good. He hasn't had any fevers or swelling. I was a little hesitant at first, like I'm going to just put my son in a research group that I have never heard of. His doctor, who I really trust, if I didn't trust her, my kids wouldn't have been going there for 5 years (since Keira was born.) said I would recommend it.  I asked the nurse if there had any bad reactions to the drugs, she said no. I asked for the other diaries, unfortunately, those are private and not just anyone can see them. I then asked Aden's pedi to come back into the room and told her to give me all the facts and side affects again and she gave me some of the statistics. I felt pretty good about it. She knows how I feel about flu shots and she said this procedure was safer than the flu shots were!!!

I talked to the doc about Aden's stuttering and she said that is pretty common in children between the ages of 2-5. Which, I agree with because Keira had a stutter just like Aden and she out grew hers. I am not too worried about his little stutter. On the other hand, he does have to see a speech therapist. He talks great, he has good vocabulary, he just can't articulate the words correctly. His socks are cocks, not funny, he's just a boy and doesn't even know what that means. When he says talk or talking it's cocking. His L's sound like Y's. When he says alligator it sounds like ayyagator. When he says mask it sounds like macks. When he says I am, it's Im am. He doesn't separate the I and am part. That I am trying to work on him with. If we stop him and tell him s...o...ck...s then he can say it, but if he says it fast then he can't do it right.

He is doing great in school. We haven't had his parent/teacher conferences yet, but I will definitely do a post about that.