Well, it's that time of year again....the Holidays. My favorite time of the year.
I have been super busy and haven't had the time to update every other day like I have wanted to. Just because I am a Stay at Home Mom does not mean I have all these extra hours that I can just sit down. Actually, as I type this, I am sitting at home with all 3 of my kids here in front of me asking me 50 million questions so, instead of it taking me 20 minutes to do this one post, it will take me an hour. I'm not a "working" mom who can sit in their office or sit over lunch break (where they have peace and quiet) and update my sites, nor do I want to be.
Anyway, just a little rambling before I get to the point.
This day is just like any other day. I am saying that because this is the one (and only) day that everyone says what they are thankful for....that should not be the case. We should consider what we are thankful for each and every day, not just a day that is set aside for family and friends to get together and chat about thankfulness. Just like Mother's Day, it's the only day that mothers are observed. There shouldn't be a specific day to tell your mother that you love her. You should let her know somehow every single day.
Okay, I think I'm done with the rambling... I think.
Here it goes... What I think about every day. I am thankful today as well as each and every day for...
You guessed it! My kids! As most of you know, I am a stay at home mom. It is a very stressful and rewarding job. I sometimes get jealous of my husband because he has sick time, vacation time, Holiday time, and personal days off of WORK. I consider what I do a job or work (what SAHM doesn't?). Where are is my sick time, vacation time, Holiday time or personal days off of my job?
Yes, I said stressful. Sometimes the kids don't listen, in fact, the cats listen better than they do sometimes ;) but I still wouldn't trade being a stay at home mom for anything. No, my kids aren't perfect like I would like them to be and try to raise them to be, but they are kids and there is plenty of time for them to be perfect later in life ;)
The kids are getting older and more independent. The girls are playing with each other more and more and Aden is starting to do more boy stuff ;)
Keira- Keira has grown up to be such a talented, smart young lady. She teaches me new stuff every day. She is a great influence on her brother and sister and keeps them in line most of the time ;)
Aden- Aden is such a handsome little man. He is so sweet and innocent. One time he burped. I said, "Did you burp, Aden?" He said, "I don't know, it came out of my mouth." Then he said, "what is it called when it comes out of my bottom." I said, "that is a toot." He loves to help his sisters when ever they need him.
Taygen- Taygen is a whole other story. She is only 2 1/2 (will be 3 in March), but has the mind of a 5 year old! She is too smart for her age. Some of the things she says, just makes me laugh. She's getting into playing by herself. She will go into Keira's room, shut the door and start playing pretend with her strawberry short cake and ponies (gotta get her some of that stuff for Christmas.)
They all have their good and bad moments, but I want to be the one that sees all those moments and for that I am also very thankful that I am able to be a SAHM.
I am also thankful for the hubby. He gives me the time that I need when I am having a bad day or just need to get away for a couple of hours. He is the one person that is there for me when my friends shit on me! He always know when I need my bubble baths ;)
All for now...gotta run.