All three kids had their 6 month dental check up and cleaning today. The kids were great and none of them had cavities. The kids are 5, 3 and 2 (in March) and have never had cavities. I am very proud of this because all of our hard work with brushing, flossing, using mouth wash, watching the sweets, drinking Crystal Light instead of juice or Kool Aid and chewing sugar free gum after meals and snacks are paying off. Even the gummy vitamins are bad for teeth because they are just like fruit snacks or any kind of gummy candy that will stick to the teeth.
Keira, Aden and Taygen were actually entered into an excellent brushing contest. I didn't have time to see what that was all about, but it's a contest, so it has to be good, right?
All three kids had excellent hygiene, no gingivitis and no cavities! Aden and Keira have 'good' teeth and Taygen has 'excellent' teeth. They rate their teeth and use a 'fair', 'good' and 'excellent' scale.
The bad news is that all the kids have small mouths so there is not a lot of room for new teeth to come in, so they all will need braces when they get older. I had to have braces when I was younger and I am so glad I did. My teeth are straight and pretty ;) and that's what I want for the kids.
Keira has big grooves in her permanent molars, but not enough to be cavities, it is actually pretty normal for her teeth. At her next 6 month appt. they are going to put some sealant on her permanent molars to protect her teeth from cavities. She is also losing 2 of her top baby teeth and if she loses those soon then it will make more room for her permanent teeth, meaning that she may not need braces if her teeth work right. I know, sounds funny, of course there will be room if she loses 2 teeth, but according to her dentist, the faster it happens the better. Her dentist wants her 2 top teeth to come out before she gets her wisdom teeth. If her wisdom teeth come in before she loses her top teeth then she definitely will not have any room.
Very proud mama!