Not a good start to the day. Aden woke up about 4:30 in the morning needing a drink of water. I gave him a drink and he felt really warm. He had a temp of 101 at the time. He woke up about every 10-15 minutes after that complaining that he was freezing then he was hot then he needed a drink. He just couldn't get comfortable, poor guy. Gave him some Triaminic and his fever went down to 99, a couple of hours later it was back up, but this time it was only 100. He seems to be doing better and just laying around, not too much activity for him today.
I usually do not use Triaminic, but with all Tylenol recalls, I don't feel that I can really trust it anymore. Besides, when I bought the Triaminic the Tylenol was actually on recall that day. Ugh!
I finally just got up and decided to stay up because every time I got comfortable he would cry for something. I got up a little after 7, my alarm was supposed to go off at 7:30. Got dressed and ready, when down stairs, got my diet cherry dr. pepper and a chocolate chip granola bar and actually just sat down on the couch and watched some of my shows. Felt pretty good considering I am not one to just sit in front of the T.V, I always have to be moving, I always feel like something needs to be done.