About Me

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I have a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and I am currently working on my Masters of Arts in Counseling.I have had experience as a youth treatment specialist, child counselor, a great deal of understanding in child development and am a stay-at-home-mom to 3 wonderful, beautiful kids under the age of 9. I have a passion for child psychology and fashion.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

What are we Teaching Our Kids?

I will probably get a lot of controversy about this post, but you have to let your feelings out, right?

I was at the YMCA one day when Aden and Keira were in art class. Taygen and I were sitting out waiting for them to get done. We were sitting right in front of the preschool room, in the waiting room (Cooper YMCA), this was Thursday, so it was the Tuesday, Thursday 3-4 year old preschoolers. It was parent/teacher conference day and some of the moms were outside the room waiting their turn to talk to the teachers.

I over heard one mom talking to another mom about her child's conference (hadn't had it yet, she was just waiting her turn). She was saying, "I'm a little nervous, ______ doesn't even know his ABC's or numbers yet. It's ok, he's only 3, he's not supposed to know his stuff yet, plus isn't that what school is for?" The other parent says, "Not too worried, my daughter is doing good for her age." I saw the look in her face, she was trying to hold back, just like I was.

My question was, Why doesn't he know his ABC's or numbers? It doesn't matter how old he is. Taygen is 23 months and she knows how to count to 10 and knows her numbers on her fingers.

I understand and know that you can't just judge people through their actions or things that they might say, but when you hear these kinds of things, you have to think....."what does this mom do in her free time with her kids?" You know, maybe she is the best mom ever and sits and plays with her kids in her free time, maybe she is the opposite and doesn't even talk to her kids when she needs to.

Some moms do go by that rule, that "they will just learn it in school"...but, what does that say about the mother?

This is why family time, reading time, quiet time and just talking to your kids is so important. Kids learn so much from you, if you never have conversations with your kids, they will never have any kind of social skills and will not know how to talk until about the age of 4 or 5 when their verbal skills are higher. Kids who sit or lay around all day will not have any kind of verbal skills because they learn from what they see or hear and if they just get ignored they will never learn!

Sorry, I could go on and on, but hopefully my point comes out. The moral of this post/story is...please spend time with your kids, teach them, talk with them, ask them how their day was. Any kind of conversation is good for your kids. Don't count on teachers to teach your kids, yes, that is their job, but it is your most important job EVER!!