It's only Wednesday! That's okay, Wednesday goes pretty fast for me. Keira has school, we come home, have snack then head to cheer at 5:00.
Usually, Taygen takes a nap from 12:40-2:30 while Keira is at school. Today, Taygen didn't wake up until 10 a.m, which means she didn't get a nap. she didn't have a very good night last night. Keira swims during school for 30 minutes. I went to Keira's school early, about 2 p.m, dropped Taygen and Aden off at the YMCA child watch, sat in the hot tub and watched Keira swim. Pretty relaxing!
The rest of the night went pretty good. Took Keira to cheer, had supper with the family and relaxed with the family.