About Me

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I have a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and I am currently working on my Masters of Arts in Counseling.I have had experience as a youth treatment specialist, child counselor, a great deal of understanding in child development and am a stay-at-home-mom to 3 wonderful, beautiful kids under the age of 9. I have a passion for child psychology and fashion.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday, November 30th

9:31 a.m
Uggg! It happened again. The hubby's alarm went off and I stayed awake. I was tossing and turning and just couldn't get back to sleep. I think I finally fell asleep at 8 a.m when Keira woke up.

Pretty good morning so far. Keira was the only one up from 8- 9:25. She got in the shower and got dressed and then I got in the shower.  Spent some girl time and did her nails, (we got her a pedicure set for her birthday).

Now, Aden is eating and Taygen is waking up, so time to start my lovely day.

9:11 p.m
Kids are in bed. Time for mommy to relax! Getting caught up on my soaps and Gossip Girl. Ran around today, my usual Wednesday.

Wonderful Wordless Wednesdays

Tuesday, November 29th

Pretty good day. We didn't have anything to do so we just stayed home. The kids wanted a movie day, so the kids just lounged around and watched T.V.

Tuesday is cleaning day, so I cleaned most of the day.

Shot pool in leagues, didn't do so well. Oh, well, there is always next week.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday, November 28th

Today was a great day! Today was my oldest daughter's 5th birthday.

She had a great day. She had school today, so we didn't do much this morning. Great grandpa got her a scooter, so after school she got to ride it outside for a little bit. Dad got home then we went to an indoor play center. She got to invite her friend Seth.

We made some cookie balls for her special treat at school. She got to sprinkle them.

Motivational Mondays

Happy Birthday Baby Girl

Keira Jade, you are turning 5 today
Hip, Hip Horray!
I can't believe how much you have grown
I just want you to stay little and my own
You make us so proud everyday
I hope you have a great birthday

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday, November 27th

Good today even though I got up at 7:15 a.m.

Taught my Sunday School class then during Church service we decorated the Christmas tree. The kids usually go down stairs after Children's Moment, but today they stayed up stairs so they could help decorate the tree. Keira gets to stay up stairs with us the whole Church Service, when she turns 5.

Didn't do much today, pretty lazy day. The hubby put up the Christmas lights.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday, November 26th

Today went a lot better. The hubby let me sleep in again, but this time, he gave the kids a bath and had their teeth brushed and dressed.

We went to Chipotle for lunch. Yummy! My fav!

The hubby didn't get a chance to put up the Christmas lights yesterday, so he tried to do it today, but it was super windy and kept blowing his ladder down.

Nothing too exciting today. Just sitting here relaxing while the kids are sleeping. Got to get up early for Church.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Being A S.A.H.M

Being a stay at home mom is the best decision I have ever made. Many people look down on you because you are a stay at home mom.

Being a stay at home mom is very difficult, but also very rewarding. When people ask me what I do, I am not embarrassed or ashamed of what I do. I tell them I am a stay at home mom. I get many different responses. I have gotten a lot of "good for you." or "that's great, I am glad you are able to do that, that is very important for your kids." I have also gotten some not so good responses... "oh, I see." or "well, if you can do it, good for you." 

Many people think that just because you are a stay at home mom, you have no skills, can't get a job, don't have any kind of back ground in education, or are just plain lazy. People who think these things usually do not have any idea about being a stay at home mom or the amount of things that we do. They have no idea how much children can benefit from a mom staying home.  

I have written a children's book (illustrator is finishing the drawings), so I have plenty of skills. I was a therapist, but thought staying at home with my children was more important, so yes, I did have a job. I have a Bachelor's of Science in Psychology, so yes, I have an education. I am also going for my Master's in Child Psychology. One thing I am not, is lazy, you definitely cannot be lazy if you are planning on being a stay at home mom! 

I love being a stay at home mom! It gives me a chance to teach my children right from wrong, my way. 

I will have plenty of time later in life to work further on my career, right now, I just want to slow down and enjoy the time with my kids. My kids are growing up so fast and I don't want miss any of it!

Friday, November 25

Relaxing Friday! Got to sleep in today. The hubby got to sleep in yesterday (Thanksgiving).

Even though I got to sleep in, I still did my daily routine with the kids....brushed teeth, dressed, combed hair, got lunch ready, did calendar,  etc....

The hubby watched the Huskers game, helped us put up the tree, then exercised, got in the shower and is now working on his work (websites) on his computer, and will put the Christmas lights up later, so we haven't seen much of daddy today.  So, even though sleeping in every Friday is relaxing and hubby doesn't work Fridays, sometimes it just seems like an ordinary day (Monday-Thursday) for me.

Don't know what the plans for later today are. Might go shopping (Shopko) and get some more Christmas lights and ornaments. We are going to grandma and grandpa's later for supper.


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thursday, November 24th

Happy Thanksgiving!

What a great day, spent time with the family. I got to see 2 of my 3 brothers. My youngest brother was in Iowa at his great grandma's.

It was a long day for the kiddos though. Ate at my mom's, the kids got to play the wii with my brothers and cousins. Came home, got baths and played our wii.

Now the kids are in bed and mommy is relaxing then going Black Friday shopping at midnight. Had one of my friends back out on me, so just waiting to go.

Thinking Thursdays

I don't usually get time for myself, but the things I love to do the most when I relax are....take a bubble bath with the lights out and my iTunes music on. I also love to just lay in my bed and listen to the sound of rain and absolutely love thunder storms. 

Thanksgiving- Thankful for

While I reflect on Thanksgiving and spending time with family and friends, I realize all that I am thankful for.

I am thankful for my loving, supportive husband. I don't know where I would be without him. He has stuck with/by me at a very difficult time in my life and has always been there for me since. He has blessed me with 3 beautiful, wonderful, gorgeous kids and I could not ask for more.

Keira- She is the oldest. I am so thankful for every thing she does for me. When I am sick or not feeling well, headach, or tummy ache (which is not very often, but I like her hospitality :) ) she is always there with a blanky, drink and pillow helping me to feel better. She always brightens my day by showing/teaching me something new every day.

Aden- Aden is my only boy and the middle. He is the most handsome little boy that I have ever seen! He just brightens my day with the littlest things...He will come up and give me a hug for no reason. He says the darndest things.

Taygen- She is my youngest little girl and angel (of course). She is learning so much and impresses me every day with her vocabulary and every thing that she can do already (20 months). She has taught me that you can't and shouldn't take any single day for granted. She is growing up so fast!

They are all growing up too fast! 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday, November 23

Thanksgiving Eve!

Went grocery shopping today, usually we do it on Tuesday, but Keira had a Dr. appt. (not her well-child check, but a different appt.) this Tuesday. Got some snacky stuff and baking stuff to make Keira some cookie balls for her special treat on Monday for her birthday. We are going to my mom's for Thanksgiving so, I don't have to cook a big meal or anything.

I will probably make them Sunday night and have her help me. Not a bad day today. It is sunny and nice and warm outside, okay not warm, but better than what we have had.

Took the kids outside to play on our swing set and then took them on a walk around our neighborhood, about a mile or a little more. Sounds like today and Thanksgiving are going to be our only nice days for a long time.

Excited to go Black Friday shopping tomorrow (Thanksgiving) at midnight with my besties!

Wonderful Wordless Wednesdays

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday, November 22nd

The hubby kept hitting snooze this morning, I have no idea what time that was, I'm guessing about 6:30. I tossed and turned until about 8:30 when Aden crawled into my bed, then Keira and Taygen were up shortly after.

Pretty good morning so far. Taygen was up shortly after 8:30 and was napping at 11:45. I'm not sure, but I don't think she is feeling too good. Her normal nap schedule is from 1p.m-3p.m. She has just been whiny and cuddly today. I don't mind the cuddly part ;).

Going to have supper at our favorite restaurant tonight with a couple of friends. Looking forward to having some adult time (even though the kids will be there).

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday, November 21

9:48 a.m

I have a feeling today is going to be a good day. Even though it is Monday.

I think the kids know when I have my alarm set because the only time they are up before 8 is when I set my alarm. I set my alarm for 7:30 and Aden was up at 7:29, yes 1 minute before my alarm was going to go off. Ironic?

He was up long enough to go potty and then he got right back in bed. He must have been a tired boy. He usually never goes back to sleep once he wakes up. In fact, he is still sleeping now.

Anyway, I wound up staying up when I got up with Aden and then got in the shower (everybody else was still sleeping). I was in the shower long enough to wash my hair (shampoo and conditioner) and Keira popped her head in and asked if she could get in. So, I hurried up and washed and let her get in the shower by herself.

9:08 p.m
Just sitting here relaxing. The kids are in bed. I had my Decaf Caramel Frapuccino from Starbucks today.

The kids and I made an unexpected stop at Old Navy. I was getting money out of my wallet at Starbucks  and I noticed that I had some Old Navy "bucks" that expired tomorrow (Nov. 22). We just happened to be right across the street ;) so we went shopping.

Motivational Mondays

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Holiday Traditions

Since the kids are getting bigger and can help a lot more, we have made a couple of family traditions for the Holidays.

Christmas Tree

  • The first one is putting up the Christmas tree. We put the Christmas tree up the Friday after Thanksgiving. Keira doesn't have school on that Friday, daddy doesn't work on Friday's (normally), we have nothing to do that Friday, so that is a great time to sit as a family and decorate the tree. 
Christmas Tree Ornaments
  • We let the kids pick out 2 ornaments every year and they get to put them on the tree themselves (along with the normal ornaments that belong on the tree).
Christmas Cooking/Baking
  • I like to make the cake balls and cake suckers. I also like to make sugar cookies dipped in chocolate. 
  • I will let the kids dip the cookies or cake balls in the chocolate. 
  • Last year was the first year I actually baked stuff for Christmas. I really didn't think I could do it or had time, but if you make time and see the results after it is done then it is worth it.
Christmas Crafts
  • Ornaments
  • Stockings
  • Cards
Christmas Morning
  • Wake kids up (if they are not awake already ;) )
  • Usually set the kids in a circle (so they can all see each other)
  • Pass out presents
  • Watch the glow on their faces when they open their presents....priceless
  • After all the wrapping paper is cleaned up, we have breakfast (last year, homemade biscuits & gravy).
  • We get the kids ready to go to my mom's (nana's)
  • Depends on when grandma (Dan's mom) wants to do Christmas (if it is on Christmas, then we usually cut our time short at my mom's and go to his mom's) Sometimes it is on the day after or a couple days after. 

Sunday, November 20th

Lazy Day!

Got up for Sunday School this morning, came home ate lunch and took a nap!

After my wonderful hubby let me take a nap, got up, spent a couple of hours with the kiddos then went to eat with the family. We were going to go to Quizno's but realized they just got a bus, so we went to Perkins instead.

AWFUL service! First of all, we didn't get waited on (no drinks) for 10-15 minutes, when the waitress finally came we ordered drinks and food. The kids ordered pancakes and didn't even get syrup with them. I had to ask for syrup, ketchup and Dan had to have them take back his bacon, it was not cooked all the way, looked like they just threw it in the microwave (it was way too fatty, YUCK!) The only time she was at the table was to give us our food and give us the syrup...didn't even get my ketchup. We already promised the kids a muffin, so we got a muffin on the way out, since she didn't even come back to the table. NO TIP!

Today, is my mom's birthday. Happy Birthday, Mom! I noticed she was eating at Carlos O' Kelly's earlier today, she even had a margarita ;)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Saturday, November19th

Today was a great day!

The hubby let me sleep in again. When I woke up, he went down to the cancer benefit (2 days) to support a really good friend that just got diagnosed with cancer.

Today was one of my really good friend's baby shower. I had a really good time. A couple of my besties were there, so we had a good time.

She didn't tell us the sex of the baby until we cut the cake and discovered she was having a baby girl!

Keira went with me, so we had a 'girl's day', she really enjoyed that.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday, November 18th


Love my Friday's! Got to sleep in again. Took Keira to school then got some shopping done.

We went to a friend's cancer benefit pool tourney tonight. We didn't play, we just went down to show support and hang out with great friends!

I wasn't going to go because someone has to watch the kids right?, Just kidding. I really was going to stay home and let the hubby go down for a couple of hours, but we asked gpa to watch them for a little bit so I could go down and hang out and he said yes, so we put the kids to bed at 9 and gpa came over and we headed over.

Great day and night. I have "The Greatest Baby Shower Ever" tomorrow with my besties, so getting ready for some sleep.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday, November 17th

Nothing new and exciting today!

I called my Dr. back and spoke to her nurse. She wants me to eat more fiber and take some new meds. If these don't help and I still feel this way in a couple of weeks to go back and she will set me up with a gastronenterologist specialist. 

I will tell you my story from the beginning.....

This has been going on since Halloween weekend. I got really sick (food poisoning, and so did the kids and hubby). I was throwing up, diarrhea the whole works! This was a Monday Nov. 1st from about 1-5 a.m. Tuesday, I still wasn't feeling well, but I wasn't throwing up any more, I still had the nausea feeling, that I could throw up at any minute (but never did). I had a really burning sensation in my chest.

I called on Wednesday and got an appointment for Thursday, November 3rd. My Dr. said I had gastritis (because I got sick so many times 6times, the lining in my stomach was ruined) and prescribed some antacids. Went home took the antacids and still wasn't helping. I still felt this way the next week (nausea, low appetite, just crummy), so I called my Dr. Tuesday, November 8th and got an appointment for Friday, November 11th. This time she tells me she thinks it is my gallbladder and makes me an appointment at Saint E's for an ultra sound. I get my results from my ultra sound and they are normal.

But...I am still feeling like something is wrong.

My stomach balloons out every time I eat, I am constipated, very weak, I don't want to eat, I still have nausea every once in a while, seem like I can't catch my breath, pain in my upper/middle abdomen. I had these symptoms before (when I was diagnosed with the gastritis) but I just though they would go away with the meds, but never did.

I guess I will just have to wait and see what happens in a couple of weeks. UGH!

Thinking Thursdays

What do I think about as I fall asleep? That's a pretty good question. I actually think about a lot before I fall asleep. I am not one that can just lay my head on my pillow and fall asleep, it takes my at least an hour to fall asleep.

Anyway, back to the question. I think about what I should have done different that day, things that need to be done the next day, what outfit to wear (yes, that's pretty sad, but I do think about what I am going to wear), what Keira is going to take for Show-N-Tell the next day, where errands I need to run, what outfits the kids are going to wear, it just depends on the day. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Still Having Tummy Issues

Well, I got the results today. They came back normal. There is still something wrong with my stomach though.

The ultra sound was for my abs (upper chest) and my upper right ribs and under my breast.

Every time I eat, my stomach balloons out. I only eat a couple of things and feel so full. I feel like there is something in my stomach stretching it out (baby). But I know I can't get pregnant again, so I know it is not that. I get so embarrassed when we are out in public eating because when we get done eating, I look and feel like I am 4 months pregnant. I am only 106 pounds (weighed in at hospital on Monday).  So, for me to have any kind of stomach is not normal.

Gonna call my Dr. again tomorrow and maybe talk to her or her nurse and see what they suggest.

Wednesday, November 16th

Pretty busy today as usual for my Wednesday.

Keira is in school right now, Taygen is napping, Aden and I just got done with his 'school'. Now, Aden is playing down stairs and watching a show.

I am sitting here in peace and quiet updating my sites.

I can't believe next week is Thanksgiving already. Earlier, I text a bunch of friends to see who is going to the Black Friday sales with me at midnight on Thanksgiving. It seems like just yesterday I was in line at Old Navy then went to the Gap at Southpoint. Time flies by when you are having fun :)

Wonderful Wordless Wednesdays

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday, November 15th

Got to sleep in until 9 today and the hubby wasn't even home. That's a pretty good day right there!

All the kids slept in today until 9. I don't know why they are sleeping so late. They must still be worn out from Sunday (pretty busy day, earlier post).

Took the kids swimming today. Nobody else was in the pool, so we had the whole pool to ourselves. It was kind of nice. Got home about 1:30, gave the kids lunch and laid Tayg down for her nap. The other kids are just relaxing for about an hour then we are going to do 'school.'

Aden loves playing school because if he gets something right (colors, letters, numbers, shapes), he gets something special....and he gets a lot of stuff right ;)

Nothing much happening today, just hanging out at home until 6:30 when I have to leave for pool leagues with my besties!

Hopefully, we can do better tonight.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday, November 14th

Another Monday!  Why do we keep running into these Monday things? ;)

I have a feeling this week is going to go by super uber slow. I had my ultrasound today (no, I am not pregnant, having problems with my stomach). I thought they would be able to tell me something today, since they tell you right away when you have an ultra sound for when you are pregnant.

She said my Dr. would call me in a couple days, maybe Wednesday.

It is just so hard waiting. I am not a very patient person, so it is very hard for me to wait! I will probably break down and call my Dr. tomorrow :).

I don't know if they will find something. It kind of works both ways..if they find something, then at least that can explain why I am having my issues. If they don't find anything, then I am healthy and normal. Okay, don't know about the normal part, but at least I am healthy.

Pretty good day so far. Had to be at the hospital this morning at 7:30 for my ultrasound. The hubby stayed home with the kids. Everyone was still asleep when I left. I got home about 9 and the hubby and Aden were awake. Shortly after that Taygen woke up about 9:30. Keira was the winner at sleeping the longest today with 10:00. She must have been really tired because usually she is the first one up telling me that the sun is up, that means it's time to get up. Taygen actually woke her up by going into her room and saying, "Kiki, Keira where are you?" It was too cute, but I felt bad for Keira because I knew she could probably use a little more rest.

Motivatonal Mondays

Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday, November 13th

Busy, Busy Day

We had Sunday School at 9 this morning then Church at 10:30, got done at 11:40, came home to eat. We were done eating at 12:40 then I grabbed Keira's bag with her swim suit in it and Keira and I ran out the house to a class mate's birthday party.

The birthday party was from 1-3, came home relaxed for an hour, left the house at 4:20, then went back to Church for our 100 year anniversary dinner at 5 p.m. I am on the Centennial Committee, so I had to stick around. That got done at 8 p.m. Got the kids from the child care they have at our Church, got home about 8:20, kids ate snacks and got ready for bed.

It is now 9 p.m and time for mommy and daddy to relax.

I have my ultrasound tomorrow morning. I can't eat anything after midnight, so I am gonna go grab a little snack. :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

HearthSong 50 Giveaway

Two of a kind working on a full house is doing a Hearthsong $50 gift certificate give away.

I have never shopped there, but I looked around and found a couple things that I would buy for the kids.

This is Domino Race. My kids would love this because they are always wanting to build something. 

This is the 

Lil' Davinci Store & Display Art Cabinet Frame

My kids would love this because they love to color, but always want me to hang it on the wall for everyone to see. This would be a nice organized way to show off their art work.


I'm going on a rant today! I usually do not complain about a lot of things, but these things have been building up, so I am going to tell you about them.

1. Why are kid's stores so small?
~ I go into kid's stores all the time, by this I mean kid's clothing stores not kid's toy stores. The isles are not wide enough, the stores are so small! You would think if you were going into a kid's clothing store, you would have kids with you, maybe strollers. The isles are not wide enough for a double stroller! The stores I am talking about are Children's Place in the Westfield Mall and Gymboree in Southpointe Mall.

2. Breastfeeding in public.
~ I don't have a problem with breastfeeding, but DO NOT do it in public! Especially, when you are eating! We were at Westfield mall today and there was a family sitting right across from us. She was eating, we were eating, she puts her shall thing on for breastfeeding and starts to feed her baby. Really? They have places for that. They do have a family restroom. They actually have a family room with 4 closed in rooms for parents to sit and feed their babies (not bathrooms, but their own private rooms).

3. The kids will be down stairs (family room) playing and I will be up stairs in the living room (the kids cannot see me because they are on the floor below me).... I will walk up stairs (another floor), they cannot hear or see me, and go to the bathroom or do my hair or make up and within 10 seconds, I hear "MOM" or "MOMMY." I can be down stairs for an hour while they are playing on the floor below me, cannot see me, cannot hear me and I will not hear a thing, but the minute I go do something 'important' they are right there.

Saturday, November 12th

The hubby got to sleep in. The kids got up at 9 a.m, so I got to sleep in a little too.

Got an hour nap today, which I needed!

Went to the mall with kiddos and hubby and walked around then had Charlie's for supper and frozen yogurt for snack. Yummy!

Came home and put the kids to bed before 9 p.m, we all have to be up by 7:30 to go to church. We have a pretty busy day tomorrow (Sunday), will update.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday, November 11th

Got to sleep in again today! Friday's are my good day!

Went to see my Dr. today about my stomach and she said she thinks it is my gallbladder. So, I have to get an ultra sound on Monday morning at 7:30. She gave me some nauseau medicine for the weekend. They got me an appointment pretty fast, so I'm guessing she is pretty worried about it.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday, November 10th

Today didn't go as long as the rest of the week did.

The kids had an art class this morning then we were home the rest of the day.

We got a new dresser for Taygen so I had to reorganize the rooms.

I still have not been feeling well. I have been having stomach issues since I got really sick (food poisoning) about 2 1/2 weeks ago. I got sick on Monday night about 1 a.m then I was still feeling nauseous the next Thursday, so I made an appointment to see my Dr. She said I had gastritis and to take antacids and call on Monday if it still wasn't better. That Sunday and Monday I was better, I wasn't feeling nauseous and I could actually breath. Now, it is back and have been feeling like this since Tuesday. I called today and got another appointment.

Anyway, tonight was a good night. Hubby got home about 5:30 (about an hour early) from work, I got to go tanning and then we went out to eat at Chipotle with the family.

Thinking Thursdays

The greatest vacation I have taken has to be 6 months ago (April, Easter), when we went to Great Wolf Lodge. Keira broke her arm falling off a ladder in a hotel room at Great Wolf Lodge. This is not my favorite vacation because it was Great Wolf Lodge but because I learned that we should not take advantage of life, anything can happen at any moment. Live life at it's fullest and love the one's around as much as you can!  

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday, November 9th

So, apparently, I have nothing better to do on a Wednesday night than put together a dresser. 

We got rid of Taygen's dresser because it was more of a baby dresser with a changing table and cabinets and bought her a new one. We ordered it from the store off the internet. It arrived Tuesday morning, but I didn't get a chance to put it together until now :( 

I actually took it out of the box about 7 p.m but realized how many pieces there were and decided to wait until the kids went to bed. 

I already told Keira she could help me put it together before I decided to wait. I put Aden and Taygen to bed and Keira stayed up with me until about 9:30 and helped me put some of it together. It only took me 2 hours to put it together, but I did it! Very proud of myself, since Dan is usually the one to do these things. 

This is the before picture....

This is the after picture

Wednesday, November 9th

Pretty good day!

Hubby got home today. He was on a work trip to Georgia and Alabama for the last two days (Monday & Tuesday). He got home today about 2 then we picked up Keira from school, she was excited to see daddy!

We got Taygen a new dresser (we gave her old baby dresser and changing table to a friend for her new baby). I unpacked the box and I am sitting here looking at the mess. I really don't want to put it together, too many pieces! Hubby is shooting pool tonight, so he is not here to help me. I really don't have any excuses though, I had all day yesterday to put it together and just kept it in the box...now I guess I know why I did!

Wonderful Wordless Wednesdays

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday, November 8th

It is only Tuesday! I think I said that about Monday too!

This week is going so slow. I had a bye this week in pool, so I didn't have my weekly night out.

Had a good day today. Tuesday's are usually my down day. We don't usually have anything to do today. Decided to take the kids to the Y today and go swimming. We got to the Y about 10:45 a.m. they had swim lessons until 11:30, so there was no open swim until then. I played basketball with the kids then let them go to the child watch while I sat in the hot tub for a half an hour. It was so nice!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday, November 7th

Well, it's Monday!

The day started out pretty good. Nice weather, until 2:00 when I went to pick up my daughter at school then it started raining. It was a nice rain though, it wasn't very cold or windy.

I love the rain! It could rain all day and I wouldn't care, unless I had plans outside.

Not much going on today, ordered pizza for supper then sat around the house with the kids throwing and playing catch with balloons.

Motivational Mondays

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday, November 6th

Had to get up super early today, 7 a.m (that's early for me :) ) Had Sunday School and Church today. Today went great!

Today was the best I have felt in a couple of weeks! I didn't have a headache, migraine, and my tummy was feeling a lot better and no pain in my tummy.

I had a Church meeting last Sunday that I couldn't make because we were sick, but it was postponed until this Sunday, which I did not know until I got to Church this morning and I am the Chair person of my committee so it is a little important that I be there :) We only took one car to Church today, so I had to plan last minute and ride with someone, which was fine. We had our luncheon meeting at a Chinese restaurant, which was yummy!

When I got home, I got to go tanning. The hubby let me nap for about an hour, which was great! Then we went to eat at Fazoli's. I got to eat a sandwich this time, I wasn't feeling so hot last time we went to Fazoli's and I got a salad that time.

Today was a super relaxing day for me, which I needed....the hubby is going to be gone for the next 2 nights.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Saturday, November 5th

The hubby got to sleep in today. I actually slept really good last night. I don't always sleep very good.

This has been a great weekend for the kids! They feel a lot better this weekend! The kids had a couple of accomplishments this weekend that I am very proud of...

  1. Keira had a great review at her parent/teacher conference! She made me very proud!
  2. Taygen is officially potty trained (she is 20 months)! She has been wearing big girl panties around the house when we don't go anywhere. She wore her panties out of the house today to do a couple of errands and did not have an accident. 
  3. Aden has been potty trained for over 2 years now (he is 3) but he was still having accidents at night time in his bed, so we kept him in Pullups at bedtime. I accidentally left him in his underwear at bedtime one night and he woke up dry, so he has been dry for 5 nights in a row, with his underwear! So he is now done with Pullups at bedtime!

Sitting here watching Sweet Home Alabama, not the movie, but a realty show. It is like the Bachelor, but with 10 country girls and 10 city girls. I don't really know why I started watching it, but it is very interesting. Maybe because I am a city girl and I can relate to the city girls on the show.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday, November 4th

It is 10 p.m and I had a good day.

I haven't been feeling very good lately, so just relaxing while the kids are sleeping and the hubby is working on the computer.

Just laying on the couch with my blanky :) drinking my hot cocoa and watching my soaps. Feels pretty good just relaxing.

Friday, November 4th

Still in pain! Stomach pain. I am used to it by now since it has been about 6 days. I got my prescription that the Dr. ordered and it doesn't seem to be helping, looks like I might be going back on Monday.

Pretty good day so far! It's Friday! Got to sleep in until 10 today. I had a parent/teacher conference for Keira today at her preschool. That was at noon, so had to get things done a little earlier today than normal.

The other kids (Aden and Taygen) are napping now. Dan is in the shower and I am enjoying some peace and quiet :).

Gonna go pick up Keira from school at 2:30 then head to the 'W' store (mall) to do some clothes shopping with the kids and hubby. Then off to grandma and grandpa's for supper. Should be a fun night.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday, November 3rd

Not a very busy day today. Keira and Aden had their art class today then came home and ate lunch. We hung out at home for 2 hours then went to my Dr. Came home and Taygen napped for a couple hours.

Tonight we are just planning on going out to eat (hopefully, I can eat more than just a salad, just haven't had an appetite since I got sick).

Doctor Update

Went to see my Dr. today, she said I have Gastritis.

She doesn't think it is still a virus because I am not getting sick anymore and she thinks the lining in my stomach is inflamed because of all the throwing up I did when I was sick (6 times in 4 hours). She prescribed antacids and said if it is not better by Monday to come back.

I hope this goes away soon. It is just annoying! I feel like I could throw up any second. I hate that feeling. I am so light headed, dizzy, nauseous still after 5 days.

Thinking Thursdays

My proudest accomplishment is getting my Bachelor's of Science in Psychology degree with 2 kids under 3. I was only a couple of GPA points away from graduating with honors. I was on honor roll two semesters.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday, November 2nd

I feel a little bit better today. Haven't gotten sick today and slept pretty good last night, I actually don't remember waking up.

I am still feeling nauseas, dizzy, and feel like I could throw up any minute but I feel like I have a lot more energy today. I think I am making my self have energy...the hubby had to go back to work today and Keira has school and dance tonight so I have to have my 'mommy' face on and get through this sickness or whatever it is that is trying to keep me down.

If I am still feeling like this tomorrow (Thursday) I am going to my Doctor. I am really afraid it is pneumonia. I was getting my hair done last Friday and there was a little girl in the salon that had pneumonia, she was touching everything, she was everywhere. I had Keira with me, I tried to keep Keira as far away as I could.

I know that probably sounds horrible, trying to keep your kid away from a sick kid, but really, DO NOT bring your sick kid into an establishment where there are going to be people in their.

Okay, enough of my ranting...see you guys tomorrow!

Update: I am not getting any better, so I decided to get a Dr. appointment tomorrow (Thursday). I will keep updated

What's in your purse?

What's in your purse?

This is a question I often wonder about a person. You can tell a lot about a person by the clothes they are wearing, shoes, or purse they are carrying (okay, so I am the only one who does that) but have you ever wondered what is in a person's purse or wallet?

Here's what's in my purse...

1. Wallet (pockets for everything)
     ~ credit cards
     ~ coupons (when I do use them)
     ~ driver's license
     ~ Maurice's card
     ~ New York & Company card
     ~ Tanning card (punch cards)
     ~ Old Navy 'cash'
2. Check book (really don't use anymore)
3. iPhone
4. Face Tanning lotion
5. Aeropostale 'Hailey' perfume
6. Tanning goggles
7. Children's Place coupons
8. Gymboree bucks
9. Skittles (stole from the kids' Halloween buckets, incase I get hungry)
10. Famous Amos cookies (Put them in my purse as I left the Y)
11. Carmex
12. A mini bottle of Cherry Blossom Bath and Body Works lotion
13. Keira's sunglasses
14. Random gum at the bottom of my purse
15. A mini bottle of hand sanitizer from Bath and Body Works 'Brave'
16. A baggie of mints (always have to have something to chew on when I play pool)
17. A couple of tampons (TMI? who cares, I am a woman, right?)
18. A pen
19. A crayon (I guess in case I need to color)
20. A pack of orbit gum

Now, see what you can tell about me by what's in my purse.

Yes, I have a big purse! I actually did clean it out the other day.

So, what do you have in your purse or wallet?

Tuesday, November 1st

It is hard to believe it is November already. The time flies by so fast. My big girl will be 5 in 27 days!

Last night (Monday) did not go so well for me. The kids slept all night, but it was my turn to be up all night getting sick. I was up from 1 a.m.- 6 a.m throwing up 6 times.

Today, Tuesday, I am not feeling so well. I am not getting sick anymore. All I have had to eat today was saltine crackers and ice water. My stomach is still turning, I am very dizzy (my husband would say ditzy :) ) I am very nauseas and my body aches all over.

The hubby stayed home from work again today to take care of me and the kids. I rested until about noon then got in the shower to try to make my self feel better, but it didn't work. I just lounged around the house all day.

I have pool leagues tonight, so I am trying to get my energy up to play. I know I shouldn't play and I should be resting instead but I look at it as though I have to get energy somehow and I am not going to get any energy or better if I just lay around all day, it will just make me feel worse.

Went to eat at Fazoli's before pool with the hubby and kids. Nothing sounded good and I was afraid I wouldn't keep it down so I had a salad and a couple breadsticks. Then the hubby dropped me off at my pool location.

We didn't do very well in pool tonight. I wasn't feeling well and it just wasn't our night.