About Me

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I have a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and I am currently working on my Masters of Arts in Counseling.I have had experience as a youth treatment specialist, child counselor, a great deal of understanding in child development and am a stay-at-home-mom to 3 wonderful, beautiful kids under the age of 9. I have a passion for child psychology and fashion.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday, April 27th

It has been such a long 2 weeks! I don't know why. Maybe because I have been by my self most days and nights, for more than 12 hours a day.

The hubby was gone all last weekend for work on Friday, then a pool tournament Friday night and Saturday day. Got to see him Monday night. Tuesday night he was home for 10 minutes, enough time to eat, get his spare key and head back to York to unlock his car and get it, he was not home until after 9 p.m when the kids were already asleep. (he locked his keys in his car and brought the work truck home to get his spare key). Wednesday we didn't even see him because the kids have swimming and we don't get home until after 7 and he shoots pool at 7:30.

Went and tanned today, haven't done that for a while! Got my eyebrows done and ran into a friend at the place.

Thursday, April 26th

Got the kids up at 8 this morning. My Zumba class is at 9:45, but we (the girls) like to get there about 9, so we have time to sit and chat. We don't get much chatting time in the class ;).

I like Thursdays and Fridays, I get to see my best friend more often! Before these exercise classes, I hadn't seen her since the beginning of March. Even though she plays volleyball with me, it hadn't started yet. We were both getting "best friend fever" ;)

The kids (Keira and Aden) also have swimming at 6-6:40 on Thursdays. Took them swimming then met dad back at the house, picked him up and went to Chipotle for supper.

Wednesday, April 25th

My normal Wednesday. Keira had school then cheer at 5:30. Keira has swimming during her school, so today, I dropped the other kids in the child watch at the YMCA and watched Keira swim and chatted with a friend. 

Keira had her cheer at 5:30 and got done at 6:30, came home, made supper and then lounged around the house. The hubby had pool, so I just lounged around with the kiddos. I put the kids to bed early tonight, about 8:00 because we have to be up by 8:00 in the morning for my Zumba class (my fav, BTW!!)

Pretty relaxing night, gonna get caught up on some DVR shows and head to bed. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday, April 24th

This week is going pretty slow. Maybe it is because we are having girls night out on Saturday.

Went grocery shopping then came home and hung out at home.

Poor Taygen has Eczema and it flared up pretty bad, so she is on 2 different creams and one oral med. It seems to be going away and she seems to be doing a lot better. That explains her high fever last Tuesday.

Monday, April 24th

The hubby was sick today, so I let him sleep in. I think I let him sleep in a little too much. Keira had school today but Taygen had a dr. appointment. Her appointment was at 11:00 and Keira's school starts at 12:30. I left the house at 10 a.m thinking that if we got there earlier we would get out earlier. It worked. We got out of there about 11:15. I didn't go back home, I just got the kids something to eat then took Keira to school and then went by to get Taygen's meds.

Came home about 1:00 p.m and Dan was just getting in the shower. I asked him what time he got up and he said just when I pulled into the garage.

Had volleyball tonight. We won one game. One of my good friends came and hung out with us. We had a couple of drinks after and had a really good time.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday, April 22nd

I have no idea what day it feels like...It definitely does not feel like Sunday. It feels like a day of the week. All my days are running together.

Happy Earth Day!

Went to Church today. I know I say that every Sunday, pretty ironic huh? :) Got done with Church about 11:50. The hubby has a Church event, so he will not be home for a while this afternoon.

Nothing too exciting today. Might go get some more landscaping stuff and work on it tomorrow.

Saturday, April 21st

Not much excitement today. The hubby had to play in a pool tournament today and left the house at at 8:30 a.m, he got home about 4:30.

The hubby came home and mentioned that g'pa had wanted to watch the kids and we could go out on a date night. We left the house about 6:00, went to eat at Chipotle (not very fancy, but both of our favorites) then we watched a movie, "Think Like A Man." It was pretty funny! Got home about 9:40 and the kids were already in bed. Kind of a nice break for me since the hubby had to work everyday this week (even Friday) and he was gone all day Saturday. He will also be gone most of the day Sunday for a Church event.

Next weekend (Saturday), I will have my own night out;) A really good friend of mine is having her bachelorette party. Should be a fun night. We have a couple mutual friends that are going also (my best friend and another good friend).

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Friday, April 20th

It's Friday! It feels like Thursday because the hubby had to work today. He normally has Friday off. I guess the bonus of working Mon-Fri is that he gets home about 5:30 every day (an hour earlier than normal). But...even though he got home early, it didn't really feel like he got home early. Monday, I had volleyball. So, we ate about 6:00 then I had to leave at 6:30. Wednesday, Keira has cheer at 5:30, so, even though he was home early, I still took all 3 kids to cheer with me and didn't get home until almost 7. Thursday, the kids swim at 6:00. Daddy was home at 5:00 this day, but I still wound up taking all 3 kids with me, just so he could relax. Lucky, he has an awesome wife! Friday (today), he had to work. He got off work about 2, but decided to go play some pool where his pool tournament was being held. So, he got home about 3:00, I was already out with the kids picking up Keira from school. When we got home, he went outside and mowed.....So, the moral to my little story, was even though daddy was home early, I really didn't notice the difference.

One of my really good friends came by today to show off her new baby. I guess I got talked into doing her bachelorette party. She is getting married in September, so I will plan for it in July. Uggg. She stayed for a couple of hours then we went to grandma's and grandpa's for supper then the hubby left again to play in a pool tournament.

Gonna be a long weekend. Nothing working 7 days a week....

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday, April 19th

My best friend talked me into doing work out classes with her and some of her other friends. So, I told her I would. Today was Zumba...it was super fun. I was kind of lost, but if you are there every week, it gets a little easier. They talked me into doing Yoga tomorrow morning. Even though I consider myself in shape, I am not a flexible person.

That was at 9:45 this morning. It is not 2:33 p.m and I am already sore. Probably the combination of the first week of volleyball, landscaping and Zumba all in the same week.

I guess it is Aden's day to be sick. I took the kids to the child watch while I did Zumba today and then when I picked him up, he felt very warm and was really whiny and wanted to be carried (does this when he doesn't feel good). Got the kids home, ate lunch and now we are all just relaxing until we have swimming tonight at 6. Taygen is napping (her normal nap time) and Aden passed out on the couch, so I carried him to his room and he is resting in his room now. Keira is playing a princess game on her iPad and then she will do some work out of her kindergarten work book.

The house is so quiet! All the doors are shut and all the lights are off (mostly so Aden could sleep on the couch) it hasn't been like that in a long time.

I actually had to wake the kids up this morning at 8:20 to go to Zumba. This week they have been waking up at their normal time, after 8:30. I think the reason they were waking up so early (before 7:30) every morning was because Bandit would go into their room and wake them up some how.

Taygen seems to be doing pretty good today. She didn't have her fever yesterday and was herself. She slept good last night, but didn't have a very good start to her night. She didn't want to go to sleep at first, but when she finally fell asleep, she would wake up every hour until 12:30 crying. She seems fine today, she has some eczema on her legs that might have been bothering her because she broke out in hives this morning.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday, April 18th

This week is going fast. I think it is because the hubby has to work Friday.

8:29 a.m.
The kids are still sleeping. Taygen didn't have a good night. I gave her some Triaminic before bed last night at 8:30, but it didn't seem to help. She was up several times crying with a fever and just couldn't get comfortable. If I had to guess her fever, I would say at least 103. She woke up again at 7:20 a.m and I gave her some more meds, she is resting now, but still has a fever. I couldn't go back to sleep, so I just got up and got in the shower and ready to get my day started.

 I will see how she is for the rest of the day and if she is not better tomorrow, I will take her in. I think it is just her teeth, she still has several teeth to come in. I just don't want to take her in too early, anytime I think it is something serious, it winds up just being a "cold" or teeth. And then when I don't worry about it, it turns out to be Pneumonia.

I think I spoke too soon. As I am sitting here writing this, Taygen is crying. Better go check on her.

8:54 a.m
Got Taygen calmed down. She is still pretty warm. I asked her if anything hurt and she said, "Ouchie." I asked her where it hurt, and she wouldn't tell me. She was being very stubborn, not sure where she gets that from....

As I am sitting in Taygen's room, Keira wakes up and is sitting on the stairs waiting for me. Then Aden wakes up shortly after that. Got them both breakfast and now I'm sitting here finishing up my blogging for the day.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday, April 17th

I love my Tuesday's. Tuesday is the only day that we do not have anything to do. Sometimes, I take all the kids swimming. Sometimes we just stay home all day. Sometimes we go shopping, clothes or groceries.

Today, Taygen slept until 11:30 because she didn't feel good. We went grocery shopping then came back home and she passed out on the couch. When she woke up I checked her temp. it was 104.2. I knew she had a fever, I just didn't realize it was that bad! I gave her some Triaminic and she passed out again on the couch. She woke up about an hour later and was fine. Her temp. was down to 102. She has been fine since  4:20, but started getting her high fever again, so I gave her some more meds right at bedtime so maybe she will sleep tonight.

Went shopping, came home gave the kids a snack (while Taygen was sleeping on the couch), then the kids (Keira and Aden) and I went outside to work on some of the landscaping. I thought I was sore from volleyball, boy, I am going to be super sore from working outside.

Monday, April 16th

Good day! Today was the first day of volleyball for me. I play with some really good friends. I play with my best friend, one of my cousins (we are cousin in laws, but consider each other really good friends!) and a couple of his friends.

It was really cold. I have played in much worse conditions, believe me! But the sand was pretty cold, it actually made my feet numb, but then as we started playing we warmed up a lot.

We lost all 3 sets! First night jitters, I guess. I have a new team this year and we have never played together before, 3 of us have but the other 3 haven't.

Maybe next week!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Remembering Bandit

Bandit was our kitty that we got the kids for Christmas. Bandit was only 10 months old. Something happened to him this weekend. We had to rush him to the vet. The vet told us that he would be better off put to sleep, so that's what we decided so he didn't have to suffer anymore.

When we leave the house, Bandit likes to sit inside by the garage door and wait for us to come home. When we come inside we have to be extra careful that he doesn't go out into the garage because he is an inside cat and can't go outside. So, usually we have to come inside and shut the door quickly or he gets nosey and wants to stick his head out the door. We came inside, he was sitting there waiting for us, like usual. Thought he went up stairs with everyone else because he wasn't in his spot anymore. Shut the door pretty hard, because it was windy and Bandit was poking his little head out the door being his nosey self and got his head slammed in the door. He was bleeding and barely breathing.. (none of the kids saw this because they were all upstairs by now). I was frantic after I saw all the blood. Dan moved him into the garage, so we could get him a towel to lay on while we transported him to the vet. Dan took him to the vet and they said he had severe brain damage and was blind. They could do surgery, but he would be blind and wouldn't be himself anymore, so they suggested to put him to sleep so he wouldn't suffer anymore.

We only had him for 4 months, but it felt like we had him forever. He fit into our little family like he was born here. The kids loved him and he was so gentle to them. Every night while the kids did their bedtime routine, he would go into Keira and Aden's room (share a room) and lay on Aden's bed (bottom bunk) and wait for them to come in and get tucked in. After the covers were on Aden, he would lay at his feet and wait for him to go to sleep. When he thought Aden was okay, he would go up to the top bunk where Keira sleeps and check on her and make sure she was ok. I found this out because I went into their room one night about 10 minutes after I laid them down to check on them and Bandit was laying on Aden's feet, he then got up and climbed onto the top bunk, walked over to Keira's head, sniffed her then walked back down by her feet and laid down. When he knows they are both sleeping and are okay, he would come down stairs and come lay on my lap, like he was letting me know that the kids were okay. It was just amazing to watch. He did this every night. Taygen's door is closed at night, so he couldn't go in there, but if he heard her talk, he would go sit in front of her door.

I think this is harder on me than it is the kids. Dan and I sat down and told the kids last night after the emergency visit to the vet and told them that Bandit wouldn't be back that he was going up to Heaven with other animals and people to watch over them and make sure everyone up there is okay. Keira didn't cry at all. The only thing she said was, "If he's in Heaven then he is okay?" "That's a good place for him, because God will take care of him." and she doesn't want another animal because she doesn't want anything to happen to it. Aden wanted another kitty just like Bandit. We told the kids we are not getting another animal for a little while.

Last night and today was so hard. Last night when I was putting Taygen to bed, I thought I saw Bandit walk into her room in the corner of my eye, of course, I lost it. Then the hubby had his fountain drink on the table while we were watching T.V. and I thought I saw Bandit come up the stairs, like he always does after he goes potty, but it was just the straw of his cup. I cleaned up his food dish last night and put that away. I was going to take out his litter box, but Dan did it for me. I had a plastic bag in my hand heading down stairs and Dan said, "What is that for?" I just lost it and started bawling and said it was for Bandit's litter box. He took it from me and did it himself. He is having a rough time too. He was the one to rush him to the vet and he was the one who had to see them put him to sleep.

I'm just glad he is not in pain anymore and he is with all his friends. I am grateful that Dan could be there with him. While they were putting him to sleep, Dan got to pet him and talk to him. Bandit wound up being blind, so he couldn't see Dan, but he knew daddy was there with him because he could hear his voice.

Just makes you think that anything can happen at any moment. Bandit you will be missed! We love you!

Sunday, April 15th

Keira had her cheer recital today. Her recital was at noon. We still went to Church though because Dan and I had to be there for our Sunday School classes.

There are a couple of Sudanese kids that need rides to Church every Sunday. Dan and another guy from Church have it worked out that they take turns every other month picking up the kids. There are usually 4 or 5 of them. Dan usually takes the truck with Taygen then picks up the Sudanese kids. I take Aden and Keira in his car to Church. This morning, he left at his normal time to go pick them up. I leave a couple minutes after him to give him a head start. I got the kids in his car and buckled, try to start his car and it wouldn't start. He picked up the other kids and came back home. I took the truck with my three kids (all in their car seats and buckled), 1 kid in the front seat, and 3 kids in the way back. My SUV does fit 8! He stayed home to get it started. He had to call in today for his Sunday School class, but better him missing it than 8 people that needed to be there. He finally got it started and got to Church right on time. I guess our weekend has not been very good. I told you I hate Friday the 13th!!! Even though nothing actually happened on the 13th, it eventually did!

Everything happens in three's right? We are just waiting for the next thing to go wrong.

Saturday, April 14th

Let the hubby sleep in today. It was a good day to sleep in. We didn't have any plans since it was pouring rain all day. We did actually have plans to go shopping for landscape supplies. The rain let down for a little bit and wound up going shopping for our landscaping supplies. Went to eat at one of Dan's favorite places..Don and Millie's.

Tonight was a very sad night!....

Bandit was put to sleep tonight. I will not go into the details on here, but we wound up making an emergency visit to the vet and there they suggested just putting him to sleep. I took it harder than the kids did! He was MY little baby though. I think in the back of my mind, we bought him for myself.

Gonna try and get some sleep. There are so many storms and with what happened to Bandit, I don't know how much sleep I will get. Night all!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday, April 13th

Yes, it's Friday the 13th! I am a very superstitious person when it comes to stuff like this. Lucky numbers, gum when I shoot pool, I have to have chap stick on when I shoot pool, if I see 3 of the same color car in a row...etc.

Keira was supposed to have a field trip today, but it got canceled because one of her teachers was not there. So, they are doing it on Monday. Monday it is supposed to be colder in the mid 50's. Of course, it will be...I have to play volleyball.

Why is it that when it is 30-40 degrees outside 50 degrees sounds so nice, but then when it has been 80-90 degrees out, 50 sounds so cold?

Thursday, April 12th

One day closer to Friday.

I said in some of my recent posts that the kids have been waking up before 7:30 a.m. Well, I told the kids when I put them to bed last night that they could sleep as long as they wanted to because we didn't have anything to do or anywhere to be in the morning. Keira said, so we don't have to get up early?

So, this morning the kids did not get up until after 9:30! Is that all I have to do is tell them to sleep longer?

On Tuesday, Keira was getting tired of her glasses. They are not fun or exciting anymore because they are not "new" anymore. She asked me if she could take them off. I said, no you have to keep them on. So, I went up stairs without her knowing, took my contacts out and put my glasses on and came down stairs. She was so excited to see my glasses on. She knows I have glasses, but knows I wear my contacts instead. That got her excited again knowing that we were twins, as she called us ;)

Updated Picture of the Kiddos

All three kids sitting outside

Keira's hair is getting so long! She is so proud of it

Keira, Aden and Taygen on daddy's back

All three kids on daddy's back again

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday, April 11th

Good day. Keira had school today, so it was my usual busy Wednesday.

I thought the hubby was going to play pool tonight because he started his Spring league tonight, but it turns out that they had a bye. I was at cheer with Keira when the hubby told me he wasn't playing. We wouldn't be home until after 7 so the hubby started cooking us supper. He made us breakfast, pancakes and sausage.

The hubby is overly tired so, he went to bed at 8:30 tonight. I've been meaning to get up by 7:30 a.m and have some me time before the kids wake up, but they have been waking up before 7:15 every morning. Guess I have to start getting used to that when Keira has to be at school by 8 a.m. Uggg!


As most of you know, I am a Stay at home mom to my 3 beautiful children, 5 and under. The hubby works Monday-Thursday and doesn't get home until after 6:30 p.m. and by this time, I am just exhausted.

The other day he got home from work, we ate supper then I asked him if I could relax and take a bath. He looked at me and said, "Seriously?" That is not the response I was looking for, so I got offensive and this was our conversation.

Me: I have been home all day with the kids and just want to relax, have some me time, be alone and do nothing.

Him: Well, what about what I want to do?

Me: What do you want to do?

Him: Nothing

Me: (By this time I was furious, but said in a calm voice) You make a big deal about wanting to do something and now you are saying you don't want to do anything.

Him: I just want to do nothing. Meaning, I work all day, just like you do. Come home and play with the kids. I just want to sit and do nothing sometimes.

Me: Oh, ok.

Here I am sitting here being selfish, wanting my time, when he is at work all day, comes home and is expected to play with the kids and help around the house. I am writing this as I reflect back on what he said and the meaning behind it. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tuesday, April 10th

It feels like it should be Wednesday. Maybe because Keira didn't have school on Monday and it throws us off schedule.

We had a great day again today. I love days like this when we don't have anything to do and no time schedule. Ate lunch at home then the kids and I went shopping. I had to use my Old Navy bucks. I usually don't like shopping there, but it's $30 free!

Then came home and helped Aden write his name. He did amazing! He is such a smart little boy!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Monday, April 9th

Very good day. Keira did not have school today because of Easter break. It is a little cooler outside this week, so we are not spending much time outside.

The kids slept in a little bit today. They must have been worn out from all that egg hunting yesterday ;) Didn't do much today. We went grocery shopping, came home and ate lunch then stayed home the rest of the day and just relaxed.

Sunday, April 8th

Happy Easter! I hope your family had a great Easter!

Busy day for us. We had Easter breakfast at Church that started at 8:30 then the kids had an Easter egg hunt at the Church. We came home, had a little lunch and changed our clothes to go to nana's house (my mom's) over by Grand Island.

We got to my mom's about 1:30, ate at 4:00 and left about 5:30. We got about 20 miles from Lincoln and the interstate was at a crawl! We sat in traffic for 2 hours, finally got going and got 7 miles from our exit and the interstate was stopped again! That took another hour to get through. We finally got home at 8:30 p.m. Come to find out they actually had the interstate closed for 45 minutes because of a 6 car pile up, they just got it cleaned up when we went past. So, it turned out to be a very long drive for us. Instead of an hour and a half it took us 3 hours to get home.

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! 

Is Blogging Negative for Your Children?

I found this article on Moms Every day asking if there are any negative affects on blogging with children. As a parent and a blogger myself, I was really interested in this article. If someone would have asked me the same question, being in the Psychology field, I would have said the exact same thing. While, other people may have different ideas, I totally agree with this writer, also in the psychology field.

In my opinion, it is the information inside of the blogs that you write about. Also, it is the amount of time you spend on the computer doing your blogs! If you are a mom who is on the computer only about an hour a day then that is okay. But, on the other hand if you are constantly on the computer in front of your children, that is sending a different story...It can come across as ignoring them, you have something better to do than play with your child, you don't have time for them, it's okay for mom to sit on her butt all day and play on the computer, so it's okay for me to do it...just a few negative things about being on the computer or blogging for more than an hour a day.

If you want to get the most effective use of your blogging time about your children. Do it before they wake up or at night when they go to bed, so you are not taking any valuable time away from your children. Also, if you can get away with at your work, then I would encourage doing that.

Of course, blogging, talking and bragging about your children can have positive influences on your children if you let them know what you are doing and show them your blog in the future.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Saturday April 7th

I was up at 8:10 this morning. I had to play in a pool tournament this morning at 11:00. I let the hubby sleep in today until 10 then I had to leave by 10:30.

Played very well today. I won my first 2 matches then lost the next 2.

The kids were in bed early tonight. We have to be at Church earlier than usual tomorrow. We are having Easter breakfast then an Easter egg hunt and other fun stuff for the kids. We are going to my mom's for Easter dinner.

Not really sure what this brace is supposed to do for me. The part on my hand that hurst is the bone at the bottom of the hand by the thumb and that is where the end of the brace hits, so we'll see how these next 2 weeks go. Maybe the Dr. actually knows what's going on.

Friday, April 6th

Went to my Dr. appointment for my hand. I didn't get any answers, of course. So, I have another hand brace to add to my collection. I have 3 now. I got one for my right hand when I was pregnant with Aden because my hand would fall asleep for no reason. I have a thumb/wrist brace for my thumb when it was broken and now I have a wrist/hand brace for my bone that I am having a problem with now. I just realized, as I'm writing this that all these braces are on my right hand.

I had an x-ray today on my hand. They didn't find anything wrong with it. She gave me this brace to wear for 2 weeks and if it is not better, I have to go back and she will send me to a specialist or do an MRI for further investigation.

None of us got to sleep in today. My appointment was at 9:30 and by that time all the kids were up. I let the hubby have a nap because he has not been feeling well either. After the hubby woke up from his nap, he felt a little better, so we went swimming as a family. Had a pretty good with the family.

Society and Glasses

I used to be one of these people of society that were negative about glasses. I wasn't negative about them towards other people, because I actually think some people do look really cute in glasses, I was negative towards myself because I thought I looked funny, so I thought other people would think the same thing. 

I am supposed to wear glasses, but instead I wear my contacts because I think people are going to make fun of me when I wear my glasses, calling me a nerd or how funny or weird I look with my glasses on. Even though I am told all the time by my hubby and other friends and family that I look cute, but you know how people are...they only tell you things that you want to hear. Sadly, it is like that for every part of life. 

For Keira's 3rd year well child check, they gave out free eye exams. I didn't want to have Keira's eyes checked, yes, even though it was free, because I didn't want to face the fact that she might need glasses at the age of 3 or 4. Not because I didn't want her to have them, but because I know what society is like and there are a lot of cruel people, especially kids! I know, I used to work as a child treatment specialist. Unfortunately, I have seen how cruel kids can be to other kids and it's not fun.

After I have seen the glasses on her and how excited she is about wearing them and showing them off, I am very excited about what her future might hold while wearing her glasses. I am also seeing that her friends are very accepting of her and ask her all kinds of questions about her glasses, almost like they want their own glasses ;0 

Even though society can be cruel, sometimes you just have to accept change. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thursday, April 5th

It's Thursday! That means the weekend is here for me. The hubby doesn't work Friday's, so my weekends start early, so do his!

We decided to just stay home during the day today. It was a little cool out today and we actually, surprisingly do not have any shopping to do today. The kids and I went outside in the front yard for about an hour. I pulled weeds and worked on the landscaping while the kids blew bubbles and played on the swings and slides.

2:45 p.m.
Taygen is napping now and Keira and Aden are playing games on the iPad while I am getting caught up on house work and blogs ;)

Wednesday, April 4th

Pretty busy day for us today. Keira has school then the kids are only home for about 30 minutes then Keira has her cheer class.

I got a call while Keira was in school saying that her glasses were in. I was going to surprise her and pick them up while she was in school and bring them to her class so she could show all her friends, but then I forgot about her needing to try them on and do any adjustments they might need to do, so I just waited until I picked her up and drove to the eye place then told her when we pulled up. She got to show them off at cheer to one of her friends who also have glasses.

Nothing too exciting tonight. After Keira's cheer class, we met daddy at Pizza Hut and ate then came home and relaxed.

I am feeling a little bit better. I am starting to get a cough, getting every thing out of my system.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday, April 3rd

I can't get used to writing April yet. This year is going so fast, before I know it, I will have 2 kids in school. What will I do with my self then? ;0

Didn't do much today. I had Keira's parent/teacher conference for preschool this morning. All good things, of course! She can read every word that the teachers showed her! There is only one other kid in the class that can read beyond the level that they are supposed to be reading at. Her teachers told me not to be surprised if she is in a "gifted" program in kindergarten and more years to come. Keira got to sit in front of her friends (class mates) and read a story to them all by herself! I started tearing up when they told me this. She loves to read at home and reads by herself (to us) often, but to do it in front of other people is just surprising. She gets/turns shy easily, hmmm just like someone I know ;)

4:25 p.m.
I am sitting on my bed relaxing while Taygen naps and Aden is conked out on the couch. Poor little guy was up before my alarm went off at 7:15 this morning. Keira is down stairs coloring and enjoying some quiet time to herself.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday, April 2nd

I do not feel the best yet today, but the hubby is at work and S.A.H.M's do not get any sick days! So, I am forced to feel better whether I like it or not.

I have been sick since Friday morning, went to the Dr. Saturday evening about 7:30 p.m and have been on medication since 9.pm. Saturday evening and still feel like I did when I went in. My throat doesn't feel like it has a scratch pad in it anymore. The pain is more at the bottom of my throat, my tonsils or my glands, but it still hurts like heck. I still have a really dry cough that hurts my throat and chest. I am losing my voice, which I have never done before. I like that low sexy voice though ;0

Just sitting here waiting to pick up Keira from school. Taygen is not wanting to take a nap, which is okay because she didn't wake up until after 9. Aden didn't wake up until 9:30. Keira was up about 8, but she went potty then got back in bed until about 9. Keira was coughing really bad this morning. I asked her if her throat hurt and she said only when she coughed. But she knows that my throat hurts, so I am not too worried right now, I will wait until she tells me on her own without me asking and influencing her answer.

Sunday, April 1st

Happy April Fool's Day!

It's Sunday! Woke up feeling like poo again, but I have to get up and teach my Sunday School class. Even though I have a "trace" of strep throat, I still have to go teach my class.

Relaxing afternoon. The hubby took care of me and let me rest most of the day. I still hurt and have a very dry cough. They haven't called me with my the rest of my culture results yet.

Took the kiddos to the park then went to eat as a family. Came home and I got in a nice hot bath.

I did it! I actually just laid on the couch and let the hubby do work around the house. He got the kids' snack ready and did their bedtime routine.