About Me

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I have a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and I am currently working on my Masters of Arts in Counseling.I have had experience as a youth treatment specialist, child counselor, a great deal of understanding in child development and am a stay-at-home-mom to 3 wonderful, beautiful kids under the age of 9. I have a passion for child psychology and fashion.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday, December 20th

Good day today.

Got our kitten. I called the lady last night and set up a time to look at it today and went and got it.

His name is Zebra. He is really cute and loves the kids. Tuesday is usually our down day, so I thought it would be a good day for the kitty to be with the kids.

The kids and I started our Christmas baking today, so we had tons of fun making a mess ;) Playing pool leagues tonight, so hopefully we will do good.

Nothing much to report today.