About Me

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I have a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and I am currently working on my Masters of Arts in Counseling.I have had experience as a youth treatment specialist, child counselor, a great deal of understanding in child development and am a stay-at-home-mom to 3 wonderful, beautiful kids under the age of 9. I have a passion for child psychology and fashion.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Saturday, Mach 31st

Still don't feel good today. The hubby got done sooner than expected in pool, so he was home about 1:30 p.m. I felt terrible today.

The hubby let me rest for about 3 hours. I finally couldn't take it anymore and went to urgent care. They did a strep test, the test came back with a little sign of strep throat. The Dr. also did a culture and will get the results in 24-48 hours. I am on amox. for the next 10 days.

I feel so bad because I think Taygen had more than a cold earlier this week. She had cold symptoms...coughing, runny nose etc. She would be fine one second then the next she would start screaming and crying saying "owie" and pointing in her mouth. This lasted a day and the next day she was fine, so I didn't think anything of it anymore. Now that I went to the doctor and got diagnosed with strep throat, I am wondering if Taygen had the same thing. She seems to be doing fine now.

Going to bed! Night!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday, March 30th

12:50 p.m
Got to sleep in this morning, Yay!

I went to bed last night with a sore throat and crap in my chest. I woke up this morning with the same crap. My throat hurts today and my chest, throat and back hurt when I cough. I don't want to be a wuss and go to the doctor already, but I really don't have time to be sick, like pneumonia or strep throat sick. The hubby has his team pool tournament this weekend. He starts tonight at 8:30 then plays all day tomorrow (Saturday) morning starting at 9:00 a.m getting done about 11 p.m. Going to be a long day for me if I am still feeling like this. Then they come back on Sunday at 12 noon, if they do good. Going to be a long weekend for me.

I feel fine otherwise, I can stand up and walk. I just have this crap in my head, chest and throat. I feel a little dizzy and disoriented sometimes, but I think my mind is trying to tell my body that I don't have time to get sick and that is why I am still going. On the other hand, my body is telling my mind that I need to slow down and take time for myself and that is why I'm getting sick, so I can actually slow down and lay down for a couple of hours.

Right now, Keira is in school, Taygen is napping and Aden and daddy are laying on the couch watching shows. I am relaxing on my bed updating my sites. Even though it seems very relaxing, it is still work.

9:03 p.m.
Ahhh, the day is finally over! This has been a really long day for me. I have not felt real good today and even though the hubby was home today, he had a couple projects that took him 3 hours to do. The hubby is gone playing pool and the kids are in bed. I'm going to get a hot bubble bath then lay on the couch with my blanky and sip on some hot chocolate.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thursday, March 29th

Pretty busy day today. Keira had her eye appointment today (needs glasses). That lasted 2 hours. Got home at 12:20, made lunch, ate lunch then laid Taygen down for her nap. The kids played with their iPads, colored and had some quiet time. Woke Taygen up at 3:30 then headed to Keira's haircut appointment for 4:00. Got done with the haircut, came home for about 30 minutes then went to swimming lessons for Keira and Aden about 5:30 (starts at 6). Got done with swimming lessons and got home right about 7 p.m. The hubby had supper ready and plated for us. It felt good not to rush home and fix supper for once.

Now, I'm getting ready to watch me some Dexter with the hubby.

Keira's Eye Appointment

Keira had her eye appointment today. She failed her kindergarten eye exam (vision) part of the physical. She had to see the same specialist I saw for my eye migraines (ocular migraines).

When I made the appointment they told me it would only last an hour. So, I was thinking we would be done by 10:30. My best friend watched the other kids for me so I could spend more time with the specialist, asking questions, filling out paper work and answering questions without being distracted. ;) I texted her at 10:20 (her appt. was at 9:30) and said we were going to be another hour. uggg! It lasted from 9:30-11:30 a.m. After picking out glasses frames and setting up another appointment we got into the truck at 11:43 a.m.

She had an eye exam with the nurse, this lasted about 40 minutes. When the nurse was done, she saw the specialist, this lasted about 10 minutes. He said he needed to dilate her eyes and the drops would take 20-25 minutes to start working. We waited in the waiting room for 20 minutes.

He finally came back to get us, he did her exam and said that her right eye goes in a little (he used some other technical terms ;) ) Her right eye is not as strong as her left eye because when her right eye does its thing, the left eye compensates for that eye, making the left eye twice as strong. She does need glasses only to make the right eye stronger (not to correct the inward movement it does). He is not worried about the eye going in because it doesn't do it very often. He is more worried about the seeing part.

So, of course, Keira could see fine until the nurse told me that her right eye is not as clear as her left eye. That's when Keira started saying she couldn't see any letters with her right eye.

Here are the numbers for those of you who understand optometry talk ;)

Right eye at distance 20/50
Left eye at distance   20/25
Right eye at near       20/30
Left eye at near         20/25

She failed the Amblyopia part of the test or lazy eye.

We told her a couple weeks ago that she might need glasses when we found out she failed the vision part of her physical and she cried because she didn't want glasses. I told her that her cousin (boy) had glasses and that some kids have to have them. She didn't care, she still didn't want them. She saw a cute little girl at her cheer class with glasses and they were pink. She talked to the girl and is now excited to get glasses. It was hard looking at glasses frames, let her pick out what she wanted, then have to tell her we can't have them for a couple weeks because they have to put the "prescription" into the glasses for her to see. They already had glass in them though, so she didn't understand that. She was fine once we got into the truck and started talking about it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wednesday, March 28th

It's only Wednesday! That's okay, Wednesday goes pretty fast for me. Keira has school, we come home, have snack then head to cheer at 5:00.

Usually, Taygen takes a nap from 12:40-2:30 while Keira is at school. Today, Taygen didn't wake up until 10 a.m, which means she didn't get a nap. she didn't have a very good night last night. Keira swims during school for 30 minutes. I went to Keira's school early, about 2 p.m, dropped Taygen and Aden off at the YMCA child watch, sat in the hot tub and watched Keira swim. Pretty relaxing!

The rest of the night went pretty good. Took Keira to cheer, had supper with the family and relaxed with the family.

Tuesday, March 27th

Nothing very exciting today, we stayed home all day.

Lincoln City pool tournament is still going on, it will go on until Sunday, April 1st. I went with the hubby tonight to play draw your partner scotch double and some mini tourneys. I didn't play very well tonight, but I had fun hanging out with friends.

It was fun to get out of the house. I was out of the house last weekend, but I was playing pool. Pool is pretty stressful for me, so it's not really fun even though it is ;)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday, March 25th

So tired today! I just haven't been able to wake up in the morning. I don't know why. The kids were up before 7:30 again this morning. I guess I have to start getting used to it when Keira starts kindergarten.

My normal Monday afternoon, the hubby doesn't have pool leagues anymore so he was home with us tonight. Pool leagues are done with for a couple months. I will start volleyball in about 3 weeks on Monday evenings and in June/July, I will start 9 ball leagues.

I am having problems with my right hand, of course, my dominant hand. The area between my pointer finger and middle finger is numb and if I touch a certain bone in my hand it sends a shock like feeling up into my fingers. Everything I have looked at says it might be arthritis or carpal tunnel. It sounds like carpal tunnel is more in the wrist, this is in my hand and fingers. I called my doctor today to make an appointment and the earliest they could get me in was next Friday. She seemed a little concerned, she said if we get a cancellation between now and then I will give you a call and get you in sooner!

I just hope it is nothing concerning. I start volleyball in 3 weeks and I need to be able to play. If I can't use my hand or worse, if I have to have surgery, I won't be able to play volleyball or pool for a long, long time. That will sadden me ;(

Speaking of pool, I had a great week/weekend at city tournament. I finished 7th-8th in singles and my team finished 4th. The hubby did great also, he finished 5th-6th in the Masters division. I have another tournament coming up in April, looking forward to that (I look forward to every tournament!) but there are a lot of players in this tournament that shouldn't be in. Not going to get in to explaining the details.  

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday, March 25th

The hubby had to play singles today, so the kids and I went to Church by ourselves. We had to go anyway because I teach Sunday School and I couldn't miss it this week.

Went to church then came home and did a little Spring cleaning. I didn't get it all finished. I have been super lazy lately and haven't wanted to start my Spring cleaning, but I thought I should get something started. I worked on the kitchen, living room and family room. I washed and packed up all the coats and jackets. I opened all the windows, let the air in and turned my iPod music on and cleaned away. The great thing about cleaning with the kids home is that they love to help.

We wound up finishing 4th in team for city. We did good. We should have finished higher, but we were all pooped, we had too much fun the night before.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Saturday, March 24th

Had to play team today. We had to play at 11:00 a.m. We lost, won then lost. We finished 4th place.

It was a pretty good day for my team. Came home and went out to eat with the family.

While I was playing, the hubby cleaned the room up and finished laundry.

Friday, March 23rd

It's Friday! I didn't get to sleep in today. The hubby got to play golf today then we have to play team tonight. I will play with my team mates and he will play with his team mates.

We started team about 6:30, we won our first 2 matches and had to come back Saturday morning at 11:00 p.m. My best friend (team mate) and I celebrated winning our matches and got a little tipsy. We had a lot of fun.

Will update tomorrow when I get done with team.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Random Thoughts for Today

I post every (most every) Friday that I get to sleep in for a couple of hours each morning and that the hubby gets to sleep in on Saturdays. The hubby actually also gets to sleep in on Friday's too. He normally gets up at 5:30 (sometimes earlier) Monday-Thursday for work. The kids usually wake up between 8:30-9:00 a.m., so when he gets up with the kids on Friday's, he actually gets to sleep in 3 1/2 - 4 hours. Sleeping in until 10 a.m is pretty good for me.

I have been so tired this week. I got up Monday and Tuesday before 7:30. Monday was on my own with the alarm clock and Tuesday was with the kids waking up before my alarm clock went off (at 7:30). The kids were up about 7:15 on Wednesday morning. This morning (Thursday) Taygen woke up at 5:50 a.m crying, which she never does in bed anymore. So, I rushed in to see what was going on, it didn't seem to be any thing bothering her. She just cuddled with her blanky and closed her eyes, must have been a bad dream. She didn't actually go back to sleep and was up the rest of the morning.

Wednesday at Keira's school they handed out a paper warning parents about an out break of chicken pox in the morning class. One family actually pulled their child out of the afternoon class for the day. The paper said if you see red spots on your child, go have them checked. Today, Taygen has been running a slight fever and has 2 spots on her face. They are red and actually look like the "baby pimples" that some newborns get. Am I being paranoid or could she actually have chicken pox? I will just wait to see what happens.

Thursday, March 22nd

Today was the first day it hasn't rained. It has been raining for 3 days in a row now so, it's kind of hard to go outside and enjoy yourself.

Took the kids to the store and got some ham and cheese lunchables with the juice box and pudding cup and surprised them with a picnic in the park and they got to play on the swings and slides when they were done eating.

It is not exactly hot outside, but at least it is not raining. It is 60 degrees and not too windy.....this weather announcement brought to you by the letter S today. ha ha.

The hubby has to play team tonight, so I don't really have anything planned for tonight. We might just watch a movie and enjoy a night in. I was gone Tuesday night and Wednesday night for singles. I am also going to be gone Friday night and Saturday night for my team tournament. We are in a lower division and we are all really strong players, so I think we are going to be able to do pretty good.

Wednesday, Mach 21st

My normal Wednesday. Keira had school today.

I did not get very much sleep last night. I am just so tired, but I can't get to sleep. That is quite normal for me. It usually takes me about 30 minutes to fall asleep on a normal night.

The hubby got at home by 5:30 p.m. I had to be at the pool tourney by 6:30 to start my match. From my house to the pool hall it takes about 40 minutes.

By now, I am already in the loser's bracket, which means if I lose, I am done. If I win, I keep going. I wound up losing my match. So, I was out of the tournament by 7:00p.m. They were taking sign ups for a 9 ball tourney, so I went ahead and signed up for that. That is also double elimination. I went 2 and out (which means, I lost both games right away). So, it did not end up being a good night after all. I did place one out of the money. I don't know what place that was, but if I had to guess, I would say 7th-8th. Which, is still pretty good.

There are over 200 players at this place. I probably know half of them so, I just hung around for about an hour and mingled with everyone and watched a couple pretty good matches.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tuesday, Mach 20th

I have City pool tourney today. Looking forward to that! Pretty good day. Took Keira to her Dr. appointment and then spent the rest of the day at home.

Today was a little different than other days. Usually, I have a routine in the morning and it drives me crazy if that routine is not kept up. Anyway, today, I let the kids go off the routine and eat breakfast and brush teeth then instead of baths and getting dressed, I let them play with the iPad for about an hour (each sharing when their time was up).

We plugged my phone into some speakers that I have and listened to my iPod and danced around the house. It was a blast! Sometimes getting off your routine for the day works just fine.

I will keep you updated on how my progress in the tourney goes....

Well, I played very well. I won my first match, lost my second, won my third and won again. By this time it was 11:30 p.m. They said they were going to call everybody's last match at 11:30 p.m. Those who didn't get called get to come back tomorrow (Wednesday). I am looking forward to coming back tomorrow and kicking some butt ;) I would rather keep playing while I am on a hot streak, but I really don't feel like being their all night.

More to come tomorrow

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday, March 19th

1:44 p.m
Today has been an extremely cloudy and rainy day. It has been sprinkling on and off this morning. Luckily, it waited until after I dropped Keira off at school and got the kids and myself into the truck before it started pouring! The minute I closed my door it started pouring and hasn't stopped yet.

Today is my last day of practicing pool. Tomorrow is City and I don't practice the day of any pool tourneys. I have practiced 8 days in a row (March 12th-19th) 5 games each day. I started March 1st and practiced every day until Wednesday, March 7th, we had to go to Colorado for a couple days, so I had to take a couple days off  (4 days) but then I resumed on March 12th.

I am planning on doing good...don't we all?! But if I don't, I have some really good friends to hang out with and root on!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday, March 18th

I tried wearing a dress again today. I originally wore it to Church, which was okay, then I wore it the remainder of the day to go shopping and eat with the family.

I think I can get used to it. I get a lot of looks, though. Maybe I am just not used to it.

It was windy today, so I had to hold my dress down. Can you imagine what I looked like with 3 kids, pushing a shopping cart and holding my dress down. Could you imagine what I would have looked like if I wasn't holding my dress down :0

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Saturday, March 17th

Happy St. Patty's Day!

I don't celebrate it, go out and have a green beer or green shake or anything like that, but I do put my kids in green just so they don't get pinched and picked on. Isn't that a stupid reason to put your kid in a certain color, just so they don't get picked on?

Today was "kids day out" at the Y. You drop your kids off at the Y at 12 noon and pick them up at 5 p.m. They do crafts, play outside, play with other friends, watch shows and color. That gives the kids a chance to be away from the parents for a while and have a little fun themselves. It also gives the parents, in this case ME, a chance to catch up on errands, go shopping and just get a little time for my self. The hubby was grading at UNL for a math championship, but he met me for lunch about 1 p.m. We ate lunch and he went on home to relax. I went shopping and got some super cute Summer dresses.

I am not a dress person, but I thought I would give it a try. I see all these women that wear casual dresses out to shop in or just see them around town and I think it looks really cute. I got done shopping about 3 p.m. Twelve to five is a long time! You don't realize it until 3 o'clock comes around and you are ready to go pick up your kids. Anyway, I came home about 3 and changed into one of my dresses. It was pretty warm today, so I thought it fit the weather ;) It was 83 degrees today.

After I put the dress on, I was thinking, how do they do it? How do you take care of 3 kids in a dress (short dress, that is)? I was picturing my self picking up the kids and having to put Taygen's shoes on or bending over and picking up Taygen. How am I not going to show anything when I bend over? This is going to be tough. Luckily, all the kids had their shoes on when I got their and didn't have to bend over that far to pick Taygen up. The only thing I had to worry about was the wind :0

Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday, March 16th

TGIF! Why? I don't know. It's just another day for me. Got to sleep in today. If you are up to date on my site, then you probably see a pattern for every Friday. The hubby doesn't work Friday's, so that is my only day to sleep in. I usually let him sleep in on Saturday's then we have to get up for Church on Sunday's.

Exactly 2 months until my birthday. May 16th. My friend Lisa's birthday is the same day as mine. She will be out of town, so we can't celebrate it together ;(

Went to the mall today and did a little shoe shopping today then went to g'pa and g'ma's for supper.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday, March 15th

I didn't have my extra kids today. The kids and I went swimming at the Y. I got myself some mommy time and sat in the hot tub for about 30 minutes.

Keira doesn't have school tomorrow because of Spring break, so I think we are going to hang out side most of the day.

I am still practicing my 5 games of pool every day. I can really tell because I am running out the balls more often now. Looking forward to City pool tournament. It's always fun to hang out with my bestie and other friends playing pool.

Spring Cleaning

If you are anything like me, you love to clean. I Spring clean in the Winter, just to have an excuse to clean out the closets or organize.

I will give you some helpful tips that will help make Spring cleaning easier...hopefully ;)
  • Make it easier on your self and do one room at a time
  • Break the cleaning down between 2 days
  • Do the upstairs rooms (bedrooms, bathrooms, closets, etc.) the first day and the downstairs rooms (kitchen, living room, family room, etc.) the second day, or visa versa
  • When working in the kitchen, wash all appliances (big and small) with soap and water
  • Wash all blinds and curtains
  • Wash windows while you have the blinds and curtains down (a lot easier)
  • Dust every crevasse
  • Wash jackets/coats and hang them in your coat closet
  • Clean out closets and put Winter/Fall clothes away or get rid of anything you don't use anymore
  • Open the windows and just let the air in 
  • Wash your door mats or buy more Spring like colored mats
  • While you are vacuuming your floors also vacuum your couch and chairs
  •  Make a detailed list of what needs to be done in each room. It makes you feel less overwhelmed when you walk into that specific room.
  • Organize kitchen cupboards. Most people don't think about this. When most people think about organizing, they think of closets, so most people miss this step
  • Put away all comforters and heavy blankets. Make sure you wash them before you store them
  • If you have a curio cabinet or if you have shelves, update them with Spring colors and items
  • Rearrange furniture
  • Rearrange your walls

The most important part is, don't stress about it, have fun with it. Look at it as a whole new beginning for your house. You can make it fresh, bright and feel new again. 

Anytime I clean, whether it be Spring cleaning or just my weekly cleaning duties, I always have my music on. It makes the time go faster and I have more fun that way. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday, March 14th

Good day today!

It was super warm today. Went in the front yard with the kids for a couple hours this morning while it was still cool and did a little landscaping. Came inside and ate some lunch. Laid Taygen down for her nap at 1:00 then when she woke up we all went outside again, this time to the swings and slides in the back yard.

Daddy got home early today and took the kids to the park for about 40 minutes while I finished supper then he had to go to his pool leagues. I am so glad it is the last week, this 2 days a week playing pool is getting a little lonesome.

The kids are in bed and I just got out of the bath tub. I have only had a couple hours of "mommy" time in about 2 weeks. Saturday, they have a "parent's time out" at the YMCA from 12-5 p.m. It is where you can drop your kids off for a couple hours while you run errands or do whatever you want and the kids do crafts, swim or just play. The hubby also has an event on Saturday that he will be gone for (along with being gone this week Monday and Wednesday).

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tuesday, March 13th

At least it is not Friday the 13th ;0

Aden had another bad night last night. Woke up a couple times vomiting and diarrhea. He is napping now.

When it rains, it pours! Last night was not a good night for anyone. I went to bed around 12:30 a.m when the hubby got home from pool. Taygen woke up first, finally put her to sleep. Aden woke up and wanted a drink, got him a drink, got back in bed then Keira got up and came into my room wanting a drink of water. I got her a drink. Aden woke up and had to go potty, took him in the bathroom, he stood their, started coughing, so I turned him around so he could vomit into the toilet. He said he didn't have to, I sat him back down on the toilet to go poopy, then he burped and up it came all over his lap, so I had to clean him up. Got him back into bed and Keira was sitting up in her bed wanting another drink. Finally, got Keira and Aden settled and I got back into bed.

This was all between 4 a.m-6 a.m. I got back into bed about 4:58 a.m for the last time, I thought. The hubby was awake and I was just bawling because I just wanted to sleep and I was getting tired of cleaning vomit up at 4 o'clock in the morning. This is the 4th morning that he has gotten sick in the middle of the night. Taygen woke up AGAIN at 5 something, this time the hubby got up with her and sang to her. The hubby got in the shower and ready for work then left. Taygen was up again after 6 a.m. She went back to sleep by herself this time. At this time, I think everyone was asleep, I felt like it was just an hour later and Aden was in my room, but it was about 8 a.m.

I am done with my pool leagues. Next Tuesday is City Tournament, lasts for 2 weeks. A big pool tournament, usually about 200-400 people playing. I have been doing really good in pool tournaments lately. In Columbus (Heartland), I got 7th-8th in Women's singles, 3rd in team and 5th-6th in a "B" and down tourney. Before I played in Columbus (January), I practiced 5 games of pool every day for about 7 days. That's what I started doing again, so hopefully, I will do good in City.

The hubby is on his way home so I can nap for a couple of hours. Last night was just such a long night. I have the best hubby.

Celebrating Spring

Monday was the first day of Spring break for my daughter. We do not have much planned for this week. Thinking about doing some Spring cleaning, but I have to get in the mood first.

Here are my 10 ideas for celebrating Spring and ringing in the Spring Season.

1. Organize, organize, organize
     Be creative! Reuse old things or paint some old items a new color
2. Spend time with a friend
      Everyone needs their day to catch up on things. Why not use this time to get to know your friend more.
3. Have your first Spring picnic outside
     You are cooped up inside all Winter. Why not have fun and have your first picnic of the Season.
4. Update your house with Spring colors
     The Spring colors will make your house fresh, relaxing and it could have a calming affect ;)
5. Hang your clothes out to dry.
     Brings back memories of hot summer days
6. Work on your landscape
     Makes the house feel new and more welcoming
7. Clean out your closet
    Hardest job for me, but I feel so much better after I do this.
8. Patio furniture out
     Almost makes you have to sit outside ;)
9. Spring Crafts with the kids
    Kids love doing crafts, why not make a flower centerpiece?
10. Throw a Spring themed party.
     We all need a reason to get friends together, right?

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday, March 12th

I had a lot of errands to run today. I ran around everywhere today with the kids. Does that make me super mom? Ummm no, that's my job.

We left the house about 11 a.m. Ran to the post office to get a package for the hubby. The kids and I were in and out within 5 minutes. Next, we went to the mall to get my ring, it was finally fixed. I had a ton more errands to run, but I got a call from Aden's doctor (he has been really sick) and we had to take him in right away. We got done at his doctor about 2:30 p.m. Taygen hadn't had a nap yet, so I just went home and laid Taygen down.

Came home and laid Taygen down for her nap. Made supper, ate and then the kids and I (the hubby is playing pool tonight) went to pick up Taygen's meds for her eczema. Then we went grocery shopping. Home about 8:40 p.m, got the kids ready for bed and I am still not done. Sitting here watching my DVR then I gotta get busy again. Gotta put some of the groceries away and fold 2 loads of laundry.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday, March 11th

Today we drove the rest of the way home. We lost 2 hours driving home. We lost an hour from Colorado time then we lost an hour from time change.

Last night was another rough night for Aden. He woke up about 5:48 a.m and had to go poopy. He had had really bad diarrhea, very watery all day. So I hurried him to the bathroom and that's what he had to do. Then he got back in bed and got comfortable. I got back in bed and felt like I had just laid my head on the pillow and he started coughing about 6:00. I sat straight up and ran over to him and asked him if he had to throw up and he said yes. We ran into the bathroom and he made it just in time. When he has to throw up, he usually coughs first. He threw up a couple times and laid back in bed. I couldn't sleep the rest of the night because I was worried about him getting sick again. I was laying in my bed wide awake and I heard him kind of whining and wrestling around the bed then I heard him say, "help me." I, again, sat straight up and ran over to his bed but he was sleeping. I actually woke him up to make sure he was okay. He was fine and must have been dreaming.

We started driving at 11:03 a.m, stopped for an hour to eat lunch, stopped one more time to go potty and made it home by 5 p.m.  The kids were just amazing. My secrets to happy traveling will be in another post :0

Saturday, March 10th

We stayed another night in Colorado. The hubby went to spend time with his cousins and didn't get back into the hotel room until 2:20 a.m Saturday morning. So, I did not get much sleep last night and the kids were up at 6 a.m. But the hubby let me sleep in a little bit, as much as I can sleep in a hotel room with kids.

We spent the remainder of Saturday sight seeing. We went to the Garden of the Gods. Spend a little bit walking around and then walked around inside the gift shop. Sat down and ate a little snack before we drove half way home. We planned on driving about 4 or 5 hours and stopping somewhere and staying the night.

We got done at the Garden of the Gods and drove about 4 hours and stayed in Colby, Kansas. We went through Kansas because we had to stop in Beatrice, Nebraska at grandma's (Dan's grandma) to give her something from the girls (cousins).

We got to our hotel in Colby, Kansas about 7 p.m, went to eat, then went swimming in the hotel pool. Our day done, so we laid the kids down and went to bed. We are planning on driving the rest of the way in the morning.

Walking through Garden of the Gods

Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday, March 9th


It's 10:11 a.m (11:11 in Lincoln).  The hubby and kids went to the funeral. I stayed back in the room with Taygen. Unfortunately, she doesn't understand that she needs to sit quietly yet. She's only 2, when is she supposed to sit still and quiet?

I got to see Ralph and all the family last night at the visitation, so I got to say my goodbyes to him. I feel bad that I am not their with the hubby in this time of need, but he has his parents and A LOT of family their with him. He is going to come pick us up after the funeral and then go hang out with our cousins and other family.

Well, the "other" family left already. Why? I don't know. They left right after the funeral. We are the only ones who stayed behind to hang out with the girls. We went sight seeing today and went to Pikes Peak. We finally made it to the summit (the top of Pikes Peak) after 3 times trying. I got a little sick up there. Dan and the kids went to the edge to look and take pictures, I stayed back in the truck because Aden was sleeping then we went into the store to look around and buy some souvenirs. I felt a little weird when we were inside. It was super hot inside. I got really dizzy and felt like the store was actually moving. We bought our stuff and went outside, we got all the kids in the truck and buckled. I got into the truck and all of a sudden started hyperventilating. It was so scary. I couldn't breathe.

We came back to the hotel and got ready to go out to eat with the cousins (daughters of Ralph). We met them at Cheddar's and ate together. After we ate we went back to the room and laid the kids down for bedtime. The hubby got to go out with the girls and just hang out and talk, until 2:20 a.m....BTW!

The sun was in their eyes, so they couldn't look at the camera 

One of the stops to the top. They were having a blast! 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday, March 8th

10:50 p. (9:50 p.m Colorado time)
Today, we drove to Colorado for a family funeral. Those are never fun, but it is good to be with family and see family that you don't normally get to see.

It took about 8 1/2 hours (losing an hour in Ogalala). It was a very good drive. The kids were very good and patient.

We got into Colorado about 3:30 p.m. There were about 9 family member families (does that make any sense? :) that came with us from Lincoln and are staying in the same hotel. Grandma and grandpa took the kids to their room for about an hour an a half so I could shower and freshen up. We went to the visitation from 5:30-7:30 then went to supper with the whole family.

We are back in the hotel room now. It has been a long day. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be even longer.

Even though Taygen is a very mature 2 year old, unfortunately, she doesn't know how (and has never needed to) sit still and quietly, so I will just stay in the hotel room with her during the funeral and let the hubby be with his family in peace and quiet.

Been a long day and night going to bed will post more tomorrow. Good night all!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday, March 7th

This morning I thought the time should have changed. The time was going so slow..I had to look at my phone just to see if the time was correct.

Got everything packed for the funeral Friday. We are leaving tomorrow morning for Colorado.

Gonna go get me some strawberries and whipped cream and watch a movie.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday, March 6th

Taygen had her 2 year well child check today. Nothing too exciting today. I didn't have my babysitting kids today because her appointment was in the middle of the time that I watch the kids.

It was so nice outside today. Seventy degrees today. The kids and I went for a walk, very beautiful day! Back to 55 tomorrow. It would be so much nicer if it wasn't so dang windy.

I have lots to do tomorrow. I have to go shopping for supplies for our trip to Colorado on Thursday morning.

Taygen's 2 Year Well Child Check

Taygen had her 2 year well child check, I guess they call it 24 month well child check up.

She is in the 23rd percentile for her height at 33 inches. Her weight is 24 pounds and in the 25th percentile. She has only gained 1 pound since her 18 month check up and has only grown 2 inches in the last 6 months.

Her doctor was a little worried about her weight (only gaining one pound in 6 months). She asked me if she thought her diet was good, meaning if she was eating enough. I just started laughing, if anyone knows her they know she eats all the time and eats anything. Even though she only gained one pound, she went down on the percentile chart from 61st percentile to 25th percentile (in 6 months). The doctor thought even though she went down quit a bit in numbers that she was just fine.

Taygen is really such a big girl. When the doctor was talking to her, she kept saying, "I feel like I'm talking to a 3 year old." She was so impressed with how much she talks and how much she knows. She also kept saying, "she is so mature for her age." It's always good when someone else realizes the potential in your child like you do.

Taygen has her good and bad days. I love her good days, as we all do ;) On her good days, Taygen will listen to everything, all day long. She will give me hugs and kisses all day. She will come sit on my lap and be super lovey all day. She will want me to hold her and then want to cuddle with me. She plays good with the other kids and shares everything. At nap time, she will not argue with me, she will just lay in her bed and go to sleep. But...on her bad days she does not listen. She is not lovey ;( She is just very defiant on her bad days. She doesn't want to nap on these days. The good thing is that she has more good days than bad days.

She is definitely growing up way too fast! She is fully potty trained and only wears a pull up at night and nap time. We are slowly taking away pull ups at nap.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday, March 5th

I did not want to get up this morning. My eyes hurt and I couldn't keep them open. I don't know why, the hubby let me have a 2 1/2 hour nap yesterday. You would think I had plenty of sleep. I didn't go to bed until midnight because I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep, but apparently I should have went to bed sooner. 

I had my alarm set for 7 a.m. Kept hitting snooze until 7:30 when Keira came into the room. Why she was up so dang early, I don't know ;) 

We are pretty busy today. I am planning on dropping Keira off at school and she has another field trip today then we will all pick her up from school, go get ice cream (for Taygen's birthday), go pick up Taygen's gift. By that time it should be about 5:00, then we have to meet the hubby at Lost in Fun for some playing and pizza. 

Should be an interesting day. I also have to sign up Aden for preschool today. 

Happy Birthday, Taygen Alexa

Taygen turns 2 (going on 4) today. She is such a big girl. Sometimes I forget she is only 2. People ask me how old she is and I have to stop and think, then she usually answers for me and says, "5." She hears Keira say it all the time, so apparently she wants to be 5 already. I, on the other hand, do not want any of them to grow up. I want them to stay little always.

Happy Birthday, Baby Girl
We are so proud of you!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday, March 4th

Got up this morning and taught my Sunday School class.

The hubby let me have a little nap today. He is really the best! I let him go to bed at 8 p.m tonight, because he needs his sleep too and he has to get up early for work.

Nothing too exciting today. I think I have probably said that every Sunday.

Saturday, March 3rd

Good day. Let the hubby sleep in today.

We went to the mall and had lunch as a family, I went shopping at my favorite store, New York & Company while the kids played at the play area with daddy. Daddy didn't actually play, he just watched ;).

Came home and got ready to go to a pool tourney. I played very well. I am still practicing 5 games a day, every day until March 20th. I can really see that it is paying off. I got a bye my first round, which means I automatically won that round. I won my first match then won my second match. Didn't play so well my 3rd match, I lost that one and then lost my 4th match. It's double elim, so if you lost 2 then you are done. I got 5th-6th, very, very good for me. I am very proud of my self.

The hubby's uncle has been in the hospital for the last month due to a medical emergency (not going to get into any details). He was supposed to be doing so good, but the Dan got a text at about 5 p.m from his cousin that said, "He's not going to make it." Then he got a call about 10 p.m that he had passed away.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday, March 2nd

Got to sleep in today. I have a great hubby!

We lost our T.V. remote for 2 days (which was hell). We finally found it under the couch cushions, which I thought I looked their, but must not have. Dan also looked through out the whole house and I thought he told me he also looked under the cushions, but apparently not.

I am so glad we found it. I felt so bad because I have these episodes where I actually have short term memory loss! We both thought I took it with me and left it somewhere, but I couldn't remember. There are times when I will ask the hubby how his day was (he will tell me) then I will ask him again a couple minutes later. I have in my head that I wanted to ask him, but I couldn't remember if I did or not. One day, I had a really bad headache. I went to take some Tylenol, but I stopped myself because I couldn't remember if I had already taken any that day or not. Very scary! I had an MRI from my neurologist, he thought it might be some type of migraine.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday, March 1st

I guess it's March, isn't it? I put February into my title and then I realized that it was March.

Good day today. I had my babysitting kids today. Didn't go anywhere today. I wanted to go swimming with the kids again today, but it was just too late by the time Tayg woke up.

I am totally stressing about my book. I wrote a book back in October and was and am still waiting on my illustrator to finish the drawings. I talked to the hubby and he said he is willing to help me do the drawings, so we are going to start working it this weekend. Hopefully, I will be able to get my book on the shelves. My next book (which I am working on now) will be much easier because it is not a children's book.